Postcrossing featured on AFP News / Yahoo News

I’ve stumbled upon a piece of news about postcard writing in Germany during the pandemic. The article also mentions Postcrossing and German postcrosser Gesa Funke @Feuerstuhl :

I enjoyed reading an interview about the social value of Postcrossing rather than just the “old-fashioned hobby” part that some journalists stress… Congratulations!


@Feuerstuhl :+1:
Soon you will have a new bagde under your Postcrossing username :slight_smile:


Yay, you found it, thanks for sharing! :smiley:


My pleasure! Sorry for not identifying you! :smiley:

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And I found a Spanish version of the same article (at least I think it’s Spanish):


Sure, it’s Spanish! Amazing! :clap:

I love it that Deutsche Post collects this kind of info:

"Overall last year, 120 million postcards were sent, down from 2019’s 147 million, the German postal service said.

However, the drop was less than expected, given international post was severely disrupted in the first wave of the pandemic.

But at the same time, there was an increase in people sending postcards for other reasons, according to the German MyPostcard app, which lets users print their own customised postcards…

In October, around 66 percent of respondents to a YouGov survey for MyPostcard said they sent postcards regularly – compared with 57 percent of respondents to the same survey in 2019…

According to Postcrossing founder Paulo Magalhães, the number of postcards sent under the project declined during the first wave of the pandemic because of snags in the postal system but picked up again later in 2020.

“We are seeing this both in terms of number of (new) users and of postcards exchanged which is accelerating,” Magalhães said."

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The Star Newspaper dated on March 25, 2021 published a Postcrossing article taken from AFP Relaxnews

The article is located on Star Lifestyle segment, on Page 8.




Ohhh this is lovely!!!

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Thank you for sharing! So interesting.

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