✅ Postcrossing emoji missing on user cards / profiles (and other icons / emojis missing)

Now the red P disappeared for me too (from yesterday).

@paulo, do you have any idea why this is happening to some users?

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Thorium also has lost the “P” link in both modes

My P is since yesterday away. Just now I saw it is back.

Mine is back, too. Very confusing behaviour!

For me, it’s been disappearing and re-appearing a few times already, also on mobile. Now it’s there. I really wonder what’s happening :smiley:

There was an issue with the red “P” image on the usercards and also in some smileys which were showing as broken images in recent days. Both should be fixed now - please report otherwise.


Works perfect again! Thanks a lot for fixing!

The “P” on the usercards still doesn’t show up for me. The emojis work just fine now though. I’m using Safari 16.6 and Firefox 125.


I’m on IOS and Safari and it is still not working for me.


It was working for me earlier and now it’s gone (Firefox).

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The emojis are fixed for me but I still can’t see the :postcrossing: icon (Chrome, Safari & Firefox)

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The :postcrossing: is still missing for me. However the site looks more normal again - with the link bar along the left side. And all the emojis are back in the messages.

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The :postcrossing: icon is still missing on usercards when I am using laptop (Windows 10, Edge). On mobile phone the icon has been visible the whole time.


nothing has changed + Android mobile = missing

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I can see the PC icon now, thanks!

Unfortunately the problem still exists for me :pensive: ( Windows 10, Chrome)

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The emojis are back to normal for me, but the Postcrossing icon is still missing here (PC, Edge Version 124.0.2478.67 with dark mode).

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Now is my red “P” gone again :confused:

For those still not seeing the red “P”, it’s likely a local issue with the browser cache. If you are on a web browser, try hard refreshing/reloading it – that is likely to fix it. If that fails, then try also the clear the browser cache/temporary files. Testing with a different browser should confirm that it’s a cache problem.

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