Postcrossing coincidences: What are the odds?

Yes, as @mwntimperial says, it’s from this box set:

My absolute favourite box of the last year. So many wonderful paintings.


Today I drew an address to a person in Germany, and I thought I recognised the name of the city. Turns out I drew an address to a person in the same city yesterday. So now I am sending two cards to the same city in Germany (the city has a population of about 42000). Out of all the active Postcrossers in Germany, I think that’s not something that happens too often :sweat_smile:


I had this some weeks ago, two out of three cards of that day went to the same ‘unified villages’ with about 15k inhabitants. As you said, given the possible profiles, it’s huge coincidence


I sent a leftover card from our Melbourne World Postcard Day meet up to someone in the US.

In her Hurray message, she told me she had gone to her first meet up on World Postcard Day in Indianapolis - a meet up that was actually organised by an Australian postcrosser, who was in the US visiting at the time.

The person who organised that US meet up is someone I know well who normally comes to our Melbourne meet ups!


I actually just yesterday sent the Melbourne Meetup postcard I received while at the Indianapolis meetup!!! (US-10012236 for whenever it arrives it arrived!)


Yesterday I received six postcards in my mailbox – half of which I received from three separate people named Diana.


I think this is my favourite topic so far on the forum.

And I may even add 2 more coincidences that happened to me:

  • I joined Postcrossing while traveling in Japan, and my first official card (Postcard JP-1787425) went to a small town right next to the village in Germany where I grew up
  • I received a postcard from China (Postcard CN-3643149) this week and asked a good friend to help me translate the poems on the card. Surprisingly, it turned out that the sender lives in the city where my friend is from and is currently staying. Since it is a relatively small town in China, I find this very surprising.

I joined postcrossing one month ago without knowing that I would find here one of my dearest penpals. I just saw her posting in one forum, it was a nice moment. It happened during the firsts days of postcrossing.

The other coincidence happened today. Two postcrossers from two different tags sent me the same postcard because they saw it in my favourite list. That made me smile :hugs: I found it great and adorable. It is an amazing postcard made by @PenSilCard a Spanish postcrosser with a lot of talent :hugs::wink:.


Oh! My snails!! You you’ve received two! well, surely each one is special coming from someone different :heart::love_letter:


Totally agree with you, @PenSilcard , I’m in love with your postcards :hugs::heart::wink:, thank you for your art!

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A few days ago I received the postcards with the consecutive ID numbers from the UK:


Both senders were almost identical in age and the wording of their messages was almost completely similar in the first few sentences. :upside_down_face:


Last year I got cards from father and daughter (if I remember correct) who had both drew my address separately.
Also I’ve got a nice space-themed card on which sender had mentioned I had favorited a card from same serie sent by her husband :grin:



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I’ve had the occasional two consecutive postcard IDs but I recently got three.





In a wider sense, it’s even three cats in a consecutive ID row


I received all the IDs from DE-13809982 to DE-13809988 except for DE-13809984. I am not going to lie, it is a bit disappointing that it broke the otherwise glorious streak :sweat_smile:


I received two postcards from the USA in January. The first was sent on 3 January 2024, the number was …040. The postcard shows a beautiful canyon from Zion National Park. The second came a little later. It was also sent on 3/1/2024, the number was … 039 and the postcard shows a beautiful canyon with the Virgin River in Zion National Park. Coincidence? How much of a coincidence is that? Two postcards differ by only 1, they have the same subject, the addressee is also the same.
Have you encountered anything similar?


Welcome to the forum :wave:

Here is a whole thread about Postcrossing coincidences for your enjoyment :smiley:


I live in New York State USA. In January I received 2 postcards from Russia. One was correctly addressed to me. The other was written by a different Russian postcrossing member and it was addressed to a US postcrossing member in Tennessee, hundreds of miles away from where I live. Also the cards from Russia were postmarked differently. So…I put the postcard to the Tennessee member in an envelope and mailed it, along with a note telling how I received this card, hundreds of miles from her home, and I included my return address. Fast forward to this week. I receive a postcard from the woman in Tennessee ,thanking me for mailing the postcard from Russia. I also received a postcard from Russia…do you believe…it was the Post crossing member whose card I was being thanked for sending on to Tennessee!! I easily recalled the same handwriting, especially the signature - and an identical message!!! Who can explain the “conincidences?”


I’ve received several consecutively numbered cards in the past, it’s not that unusual for me because I go on travel mode for extended periods and then have dozens of due postcards when I go back to active mode.
But today was a new one for me- I drew an address for a member in San Angelo, Texas. It’s a small town in western Texas that only has a few Postcrossing members and I happened to live there for 3 years while I earned my undergraduate degree at Angelo State University. I moved away from San Angelo after I graduated about 9 months ago but still have extended family there and visit periodically. It was very cool to send a postcard to San Angelo, and I recognized the street name in their address because I have friends who live a few streets away. Small world!