Postcrossing 20 Years Celebration - Meeting in Berlin! (2 days: 12-13 July 2025)

:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Berlin IntercityHotel Berlin Hauptbahnhof
Katharina-Paulus-Str. 5
10117 Berlin
:calendar: DATE: 12 July 2025
:alarm_clock: TIME: 09:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We will meet in Berlin with a lot of postcrossers from around Europe :slight_smile: Details will Follow!
Together with Holger Kaufhold (@chrisskywalker ) we want to do something big! A lot of details will follow - till then you can say if you are interested to participate! And surprises will be! :slight_smile:

Pretty please: all people who say thet they want to come/might come: For a better and proper communication - and also to “grab” some ideas from you - please complete this google form - it takes about 3-4 minutes. Thank you all!

Participant list (and it is open);

  1. @mihneaR
  2. @chrisskywalker
  3. @NOE6AC
  4. @GeminiFootprints
  5. @Ich_bin_Berliner
  6. @mikebond
  7. @frewen
    8-9. @Joeyana
    10 - @Ponziani
    11 - @SylviaAugustin
    12 - @Laika
    13 - @ctr
    14 - @PasoDoble
    15 - @MagicMarie
    16 - @TOM336
    17 - @WanderingPaws
    18 - @Lilou_lavande
    19 - @mella68
    20 - @flyingmomo
    21 - @Dreamcatcherin
    22 - @Katrin1778
    23 - @Weselfee79
    24 - @Einstern389
    25 - @Dina2006
    27 - @Antjelino
    28-29 - @radiohead92
    30 - @AnKaBeGu
    31 - @Pelke
    32 - @Exploradora73
    33 - @gurkensuppe
    34 - @UG6261
    35 - @Tini2018
    36 - @weidetuby
    37 - @BerlinMoni
    38 - @Meowpurr
    39 - @BalticIsland
    40 - @Prisha
    41 - @Tini2018 (companion)
    42 - @Herkenbe
    43 - @Angel84
    44 - @CathyHe
    45 - @Rita25
    46 - @farine
    47 - @BerlinerTochter
    48 - @Manni007
    49 - @Yvonnche
    50 - @GirlFromBerlin
    51 - @-mandrilla-
    52-53 @polarfahrer +1
    54 - @kroete68
    55 - @papapaff
    56 - @Anjamaus
    57 - hanna_sophie
    58 - Knirin
    59 - TanjaS
    60 - garagsok
    61 - reiselustig
    62 & 63 - zimtschnecke28
    64 - regndroppar
    65 & 66 - VintageMilla & Lotti_r_s
    67 - 68 JoannaOr
    69 - sedna
    70 - wermi
    71 - meidans
    72 - ItsDunnies
    73 - froglady57
    74 - heureka
    75 & 76 - packrat +1
    77 - Trolli43
    78 - Anne50
    79 - gruenerFrosch
    80 - Nuernberg
    81 - Ilka144
    82 - Awari
    83 - Kanjada
    84 - olcia9
    85 - chris2812
    86 - hrhw
    87 - angelkatharina
    88 - magnolia29
    89 - rapunzel1
    90 & 91 - vanreth
    92 - Mhaya
    93 - Mamiielariie (maybe)
    94 - juytters (maybe)
    95 - jeke (maybe)
    96-97 - Cloe-Leo
    98 - Wiebby
    99 & 100 Cloudis_smile
    101 - kiddy67
    102 - Stancy_starlight
    103 - Fullmoon
    104 - annibu
    105 - postcrossingbo
    106 Rosincheblau
    107 Inger71
    108 turtlegami
    109 Katzrin
    110 xtlera
    111 Nadi1910
    112 - 113 ScarletRain and DeepBlueSea
    114 Mattin62
    115 MarinaL
    116 schneggisabrina
    117 pefawn
    118 arcticgirl64
    119 grizzabella
    120 mapcardcollector
    121 annibaer
    122 Robinchen
    123 Sabina37
    124 ilka144
    125 Ponziani
    126 Chaosnoneko
    127 fanyxia
    128 Sabina37
    129 achtlik
    130 StaniZae
    131 Lotty
    132 - 133 Kwiksa
    134 artefazosya
    135 phasin
    136 Doriander
    137 Rainbow50
    138 elfelina
    139 Mariannin
    140 Cassiopheia
    141 Rosa Elefant
    142 Depechecrissy
    143 Eknnly
    144 Tone Post

Last number is 144/ updated 19.07.2024 Please - don’t forget to complete the google form!


I am in, of course :grinning:
It will be a big Event with surprises for sure.


Count me in too, sounds like fun.


Count me in as well :slight_smile:

I really enjoy being there
Please add it to the list!


I may be interested, but July 2025 is still so far away…

I am also interested. Keep me posted!


I am also interested in this meetup. Would bring my husband and our little son (then 2 years old) with me.

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Sounds very interesting, I would love to be part of it!


Great :smiley:
I would be there

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Sounds interesting, I’m in :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like to come, too.


Postcrossing’s 20th anniversary meetup, July 2025 in Berlin!
I am interested. Please, keep me posted.


I am interested too!
Reminds me of the great week with fantastic events in Berlin for the German Postcrossing-stamp. We had so much fun with so many awesome people and postcards in Berlin. Love spending my time in Berlin with Postcrossing-fun! :grin::heart::tada:


Hallo, ich bin dabei ! GruĂź , Eva !

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My girlfriend, our dog and I would be interested too, we may make a Berlin holiday out of it too ^.^
(I’m not set on it yet though, I may write again soon-ish)

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Bin dabei! Schöne Idee!
(Oh hab gerade gesehen,dass es 2025 ist, nicht dieses Jahr :joy:)… also ändere ich meine Antwort in “vielleicht”… lg

Count me in, please


Moin moin, ich bin dabei :slight_smile:

Ich bin auch gerne dabei!!