Postcrossers who only send the same postcards

Rgiht :+1:
(edit. I thought the “when” meant when/that he does this (like you thought/assumed he does this), not when/if he does this, as in suggestion - in Finnish the “when” implies something is expected to happen.)


I for myself have a lot of diffrent cards to send. And I have postcards that I have designed myself. I send a lot of my selfmade-postcards, but I also send others, it depends on the user profile what I send. Mostly I find something that fits. On my sent-wall you mostly find cards that are my own design, as I hold the copyright rights for those cards. I do not put other cards on the wall. Only of those cards where I have the permission to do so. So it is normal that you find the same cards on my wall again and again.

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Wow I have learnt so much from this discussion and other posts! Ive just joined and literally sent out my first 5 card and yet to receive my first so i didnt really know what to expect!

For me, I thought to write as much as i can fit on the card, like we did as kids :grinning: im 50 now. I didnt realize the picture mattered so much to some and others just write ‘happy postcrossing’. I will head out and try to find different cards today.

Myself, i enjoy the slow hand writing and its my time to breathe and relax in the quiet. But ill probably feel different if im sending out 20 postcards! Do people care to read about my life and have questions given back to them?

Its all fine to me, but i did quickly edit my profile to say send me anything, i love extras, envelope or not, ill even exchange gifts from Australia if you’ve never been here!

I guess I will learn as i go :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes and yes. Some people are mainly collectors, while most people prefer the text side. I like, when the senders tell me what they are interested in.


It’s connection first for me, so yes, I’m interested in some minutiae of your life. It doesn’t need to be long, just something that brings me into contact with you as a human.

Don’t get me wrong -I like the pictures too, but I don’t really mind if you send hundreds of the same view (or cartoon or whatever). You are only sending one to me!

In the end, this is a hobby for us all, so make sure that you do what suits you and brings you pleasure, even if you focus on pleasing the recipient.


It used to be the same in Finland too in late 1960’s. Postcard rate was cheaper if you wrote max. 5 words and your name than if you wrote more than five words.


I rarely check this. If I receive a card I like, I don’t mind that others got the same card. Maybe it’s cheaper to buy a stack of the same card and the person could get a discount. Postcrossing is about sending the best card one has in possession to a recipient. That’s the main goal and if one can please a lot of postcrossers with just one card, I’m perfectly fine. I also would like to mention that the picture is just one side of the card, the other is the message which is important as well.


I tend to just grab the first card that makes me think of the person I was assigned! However, I have quite a few postcards from my local farmer’s market, and I sent quite a couple when I was just starting out. I don’t mind if someone sends the same card over and over, and I also don’t mind if someone sends me a card I already have. The message makes it unique.


Hey everyone! What a great discussion! I enjoyed getting to read your different opinions and perspectives. I have sent some repeats. I was given a huge stack of (in my opinion) beautiful pink cards with burgundy lettering. They bear the phrase “She is quick and curious and playful and strong.” Interesting adjectives to describe a spirited woman! I had a few in Spanish but most of them were in French. Because I love languages and thought that the cards were beautiful, I started sending them out on postal adventures around the world. When you look on my sent page, there they are! In my case, I send repeats with a heart of love for my fellow postcrosser, with the hope that they enjoy the card as much as I do!


Hi! From someone who’s new into Postcrossing:
When I tried to find postcards here where I live, It was kinda hard to find, I had to look after them in many stores… I was lucky finding ones about my city and bought many of them, all different.

I must admit for my first time I was lucky to find users who just want a postcard and I was afraid when I found ones that had a little bit more “exigencies”, because I had to manage everyting with what I had in my hands… I tried my best to get something nearer from their tastes.

Buy from internet is not always an option for me because it’s hard to find and sometimes expensive…

But when I write, I try to arrange everything as beautiful as I can… I use stamps, washi tapes, drawings, papers, and of course, I try to write something cool…
Now I don’t know if I keep buying the same postcards I bought before or it’ll be too “more of the same”…


Hi Jiih! Welcome to Postcrossing! You cannot please everybody, so do not make up your mind too much about trying to do so! Many people do have wishlists, but fulfilling wishes is not a must, for they are just wishes. And sending the same card is not a problem, except for the person who started this thread and very few others!


I am glad to hear that! On my profile I wrote things I like but I also told that they’re not any kind of demanding of mine… I’m just curious to see which postcard I’ll recieve and from where… that’s the funny part for me!


We all send what we have. It’s great that you have managed to find some cards, and that is all you need -a postcard.

You are putting effort into your cards and I guarantee the vast majority of people will enjoy receiving them.


I do. It’s much more interesting to me if the sender writes a message that reflects uniquely something of them or their day or their life. Plus I like cards that are of interest to me, or that shoe me something of their world.

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Welcome to Postcrossing, btw :relaxed:

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Welcome to Postcrossing! Please just send the cards you have, without concern for others specific requests. I appreciate a thoughtful message on the back, and I love washi tape and stickers. Enjoy :relaxed:


Hello and welcome to Postcrossing. Brazil is a rare country for us so folks will be happy to see your cards and stamps! I imagine tourist cards there will show the beach, nature scenes, your city, pictures of diverse people/cultures etc. Those would be very much enjoyed by most all members


Brunei is considered a rare country in Postcrossing so I often get happier hurray messages when I send general view cards compared to other types of cards. I like trying to match people’s wishlist but there are times I received hurray messages that are almost disappointed that I didn’t send them a view card. So I try to stock as much view cards as I can but there are very limited variety here. As a result, I do sent repetitive quite a lot.


I hear what people have said here and I agree that sometimes they are limited by the country for example. It is most about the message.

However every time I have received a card from someone like was described, the message is dull, not personal, generic, often looking quickly written and short.
This isn’t the case for everyone but its my experience.

As I am very into postcrossing and geography I have a lot of knowlege about countries and postcards and postal system there. It’s different when it comes from a country like Brunei, as @reinesjournal said above, and not from Germany for example.


i completely agree with you.

i do have one more scenario. i have once received a card that is quite beautiful but very generic. it shows a picture of the ocean without any description nor words. and sadly, the sender didn’t bother writing anything other than the postcard id. of course i registered it and i saw that the sender only sends about 4/5 of generic postcard designs multiple times. it makes me wonder why they don’t bother even saying hello? are they just sending for the sake of sending so they can get postcards from other postcrossers? it saddens me but in the end, the postcrosser did sent me a postcard and it is my responsibility to register it.