Postcrossers sending cards but not registering any

I can understand that but many of my cards arrived to other postcrossers in China. I also contacted Postcrossing about it and they temporarily put the account on suspended and they also were going to investigate it. But the account is active again and still the same.

I will patiently wait… :slightly_smiling_face: till my card arrives. It’s travelling 109 days now.

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Im not blaming Chinese users, this is just one person who happens to be Chinese. Could have been any other nationality. I just never witnessed this, but it’s no big deal at all. Greetings from Anke


Ok :+1:t2:

I did this, because I suddenly realised that it would be problematic for me to receive post, for personal reasons. I then became active for a little while, to receive all my due cards, and went back to inactive, as the problem is still the same. My intention when I joined was to send one, receive one, but sometimes life gets in the way of what one wants.


I wish to thank all of you for your kind input following my original post! Your replies have given me much ‘food for thought’ and I will keep a closer eye on the accounts of those Postcrossers whose addresses I have been given!


This is perfectly normal, do not worry!
They likely just went inactive for a while and may be able to send more cards but not receive them.
I have been in a similar situation, having my ‘sent’ number at about 50 more postcards than my ‘received’ number. This was just because I am a college student and spend my winter break and summer break away from my mailbox. I cannot register postcards while I am away but I can send them from wherever I am.


Hi !
I’m currently inactive (since 3 weeks) because I’m moving. So I’m still sending postcards but I don’t receive (except long time travel which were sent earlier). I’ll activate my account in 1 week or 2, when I’ll have my new address.
If by chance there are other coming to my previous address, I’ll use the redirection service but I’m affraid they put a paper with my new address on the card. That’s why I’m inactive. But I long to receive postcards again !!!

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I’m inactive for many reasons: I enjoy more sending cards than receiving. I get stressed if I’m getting cards that at the moment I don’t have the time to register. I’m busy and it’s easier to send when I have time than to reveive cards at random times and having to keep track and registering cards.

My stats are currently 665 sent/636 received but I’ve had a bigger gap before.

I do have a disclaimer at the top of my profile clarifying the situation so it doesn’t confuse someone who’s about to send me a card.


I have been waiting for a card to be registered. The postcrosser is regularly on the site but has not registered any cards for almost a year, but sent a large number this September. Today, I saw she was on the site just an hour ago.
I sent a message but have received no reply.
I find this unusual.


I would ask administration about this situation. I did so recently when wondering “What’s going on here?” I received a response that it was, indeed, something they were willing to look into.

Good luck!


It can be they were inactive with officials, maybe only send swaps, or just talk here, then perhaps became active when you got their address.

One can visit their profile and send cards when they are inactive, and also take part in other swaps, discussions etc. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as the inactive status is made available for us.

It can simply be your card is still travelling and this person didn’t check their e-mail.

I’m almost sure they can’t be here and receive cards for nearly a year, and not register any of those. For me it would be a clear sign of their inactive (only send) status. (When you got their address, they had been active, so at that point there was not unnormally many not registered to this person.)

You can also look if they will slowly start registering cards.

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17 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Stamps] UK stamps, prices, Royal Mail & Post Office matters

I just sent one today - keep the faith!


Just as a side note: there are so many places that Taiwan doesn’t send to that I’ve gotten 5 Russian addresses in a row

Not complaining though - I haven’t been able to send to Russia from Singapore so it’s nice.



I saw someone suggest that you should only draw addresses when the main front page shows over 1000 cards have been received in the last hour, that way you get a chance of more interesting countries.

Obviously I have no idea how true that is, but I did it & up popped Taiwan!

Worth a try :blush:


I have often set my account to inactive. For example when I visited New Zealand for a month I set the account to inactive a month before I went so there would not be a pile of unregistered cards on the mat while I was away. That would be unfair to the senders. During that month I continued sending cards and while I was away I sent cards in travel mode. By the time I returned home the difference between sent and received cards was over 250. I then set my account back to active and kept my postman busy for a while!


For @sandhurst I have always written the country as “TAIWAN (R. o. C.)”. I never had any problem with Taiwan until this year.

On the brighter side, I have just (two days ago) had a postcard registered in Saint Petersburg, Russia, after 84 days. Perhaps there is still some hope for some of my other expired cards!

Julian ( @mapcardcollector ) is, I’m sure, great friends with his postman and his Post Office! I remember in 2010/11, when I was number one, my postman also collected mail from where I was working. We got on very well. He would always tell me there was a beautiful card from such and such a place, or a big delivery! I never get to speak to my postpersons now, there doesn’t seem to be a regular postman or postwoman or a regular delivery time!

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Same here. I am now known as “The Postcard Guy” by the employees at my local post office due to sending and receiving so many postcards!


Right now, my profile is set to “Inactive.” I had planned to leave it that way for 2 weeks because I was going to be busy with Thanksgiving, but some unexpected things have come up. Sending postcards is keeping me sane, so I want to send as many as possible. I can have 50 traveling at a time and am not sure I can register postcards promptly, depending on how things go, so my profile is staying “Inactive” at least until 2 weeks longer, and when I go “Active” again, I’ll probably be -60 postcards.

Not trying to cheat the system, just trying to cope with some serious personal life stress right now, and writing postcards is a good distraction.


I recently had one card registered in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, so I was quite thrilled about that, I thought - maybe there’s hope for some of the others! And this week I took a trip to Colchester, which is in a different region for mail-sorting, to see if that makes a difference. I had saved up some of my mail for Taiwan and Russia. Time will tell…

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