Postcrosser's personality

I’d never made this test before, I tried now. INTP-T here. Funnily many things they say really fit. :see_no_evil:
But the test reminds me of a magazine I saw at the supermarket this week. The headline said “Am I normal?” and then “With great self-test!” :rofl:


Adventurer, ISFP-A. There’s the I again :wink:

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I just took the test. I’m another Mediator INFP-T. :hugs:

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I am entertainer,ESFP-T :blush:


I am also logistician

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I’m an ISTJ.


I did this test years ago, but forgot about it, although I should have saved the outcome from then somewhere. So I did the test again and the result is different from what I remember, but it suits me with how I am now. People change overtime, right? My result is the Turbulent Defender (ISFJ-T).
I am an Introvert too, but not for 100%.


I came out as Commander -81% extroverted. This is pretty true. I am an Aries, I like being in charge and I am very outgoing. I like meeting new people and learning about them. I also love travel and seeing new places. Postcrossing kind of fills these needs in that you learn about new places and constantly have contact with new people.

My husband is an introvert and he has told me that postcrossing is boring. :person_shrugging:



A turbulent logistician!


I’m an INTP - that’s been the result every time I’ve taken tests like these.I know personality tests are never truly accurate, but they are certainly very fun!

As for why others are not interested in Postcrossing, I guess it’s merely a difference in hobby. It can be a lot of effort for some, to buy postcards and stamps, write things and send them, and find time to do all that with busy schedules AND other hobbies they prefer. Those individuals find poetry in other hobbies that we don’t see that beauty in - and, ironically, that’s quite poetic, too!


In the Myers-Briggs test which I took twice years ago I was an INFP. Just now on the new test I am ISFP-A Adventurer. That fits who I am now. I’ve changed somewhat. But still very much an introvert.


I’ve taken the Myers-Briggs a few times, and usually I get INFP, though I think I’ve also had ISFP and INTP. Basically my N/S and T/F scores are usually pretty close, but my I and P are usually clearer.

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I am Protagonist (ENFJ-T)

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I’m an INFP-T.


ISTJ and proud of it.


Did the test a year or two ago and it said INFJ-A . I also recognize myself in INTJ sometimes.


INFJ-T here! I feel seen!


Another INTJ here. Would love to hear from others :slight_smile:

If you’re Christian: Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


I am Consul ESFJ-a.

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INTJ-T Architect
It’s kind of like reading a horoscope, but a bit more accurate :smiley:
I think these tests are so much fun because you get the answers you put in reflected in a very friendly and positive way. So basically, this website tells you: You are ok the way you are and you are not alone.
And it gives you a group to identify with, by giving you a label. So combined with this thread you get to belong to a “team” as a bonus.
Postcrossing is a bit like that, too. You belong to a group you can identify with. And you get lots of positive messages, often tailored to you.