Postcrosser User names

On official cards mostly not but on swap and Bingo cards I do. Also on Meetingcards.

Yeah sometimes I wish that I could see who I received the card from (so I could read their profile) before writing a Hooray! message.


A couple of times I have used the username to find out the senderā€™s correct name, because they signed with a squiggle (and then their username in neat writing), but I never sign with my username (except for forum activites, but that is stating the obvious). I donā€™t sign with a hieroglyph and if someone still misreads my name, I can live with that very well. :wink: People will know my username once theyā€™ve registered my card, thatā€™s early enough for me.

I sign with my name and username. Figure Iā€™ll make it easier for them if I forget the postcard-ID or it gets obscured somehow.


I write my username only on the cards of direct swap, otherwise sometimes it can be hard to find the person in mails for a ā€œthank youā€ message.

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Same here. I use both just in case the postcard canā€™t be registered.

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I sign my postcards with both, my name and nickname, just as an extra help in case the user have any issue registering the card.

So, if you receive a card from ā€œArianne / Saouriā€, thatā€™s me :raising_hand_woman:t2:

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I donā€™t write my username.
And, if someone writes theirs, I donā€™t read their profile before registering. I always thought, if they want me to know something, they write it in the card. My Hurray is a thank you note for the card, not their profile. Also my thank youā€™s are mostly just very short and if I canā€™t read the name, I guess it, and if it doesnā€™t resemble any name I know, I donā€™t write it.

I write the card id twice, so if the other one is eaten by a post machine, the other one stays.
If itā€™s so bad luck, that both are unreadable, most likely my user name would be as well.

I ask in my swaps that user names be written on cards. Especially if itā€™s from a tag.

Iā€™ve only done it on postcards to other forum members that I know post here regularly (only because I recognise a few names, apologies if Iā€™ve accidently ignored you) Otherwise I feel it takes up space on an already small area to write on.

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Same Here.
They donā€™t give me a Name = i donā€™t write a Name. In real Life i donā€™t say peoples names all The time either. I say ā€œHelloā€ and No Nameā€¦