Postcards not arriving in Indonesia

Hi Postcrossing forum!

Am I the only one who faced the prob of postcards not arriving in Indonesia?

I sent postcards from Singapore to Jakarta and my Indonesian friend never got my postcards. I sent one before I joined postcrossing in December 2023 and another in April 2024.

Hoping to hear from you :heart_hands:

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Hi, @hpzvyezda98 !
Maybe your friend can try to ask the local Delivery Center in his/her area? I don’t expect a clear answer but it’s good to try. The cards might get stuck somewhere. And perhaps check again your friend’s address (addresses in big busy city can be tricky sometimes), or try sending mail to another address your friend can use and see if it arrives.

My mail experiences are good lately. The latest incoming cards arrived at the center office and delivered in timely manner too, according to the barcodes on the cards. But then again, I live in Bandung, another big city near Jakarta, not Jakarta itself. And it’s been a while since I received any mail from Singapore. Hopefully you can find the answer and able to exchange mails with your friend again. :blush:


Hello Larch! Thanks for your comment! My friend already went to her local post office and was told that they can’t track any mail without any tracking number. So, it’s really unfortunate :frowning:

I made two swaps earlier this year with someone in Jakarta.

The second was sent on 9 Feb and she told me she received it on 23 March

FWIW, both her cards got to me with no issues

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I’m glad your postcards reached the postcrosser from Jakarta. Honestly, I think the problem is my friend’s address. Because she hasn’t been able to receive any international mail. But when it comes to local mail, she receives them :confused:

If you really want to find out and don’t mind the expense, you could try sending a registered postcard, and check the tracking to see where’s the issue?


Also, I remember seeing this reply sometime ago that may shed some light on your issue

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I have sent a postcard to Malang, and it’s been over 30 days now, and so far, my postcard has not arrived. I hope it’ll eventually get there, but the hope is fading.

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I also had problems, I sent a postcard from Brazil to Indonesia on January 5th of this year and until today it hasn’t reached its destination.

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Indonesia Post really needs to do better…


I’ve heard that sending in an envelope helps. Cards in envelopes arrive
more oftzen than just a card by itself. Try sending it both ways…one in
an envelope, and then send one with a tracking number. See if either
or both arrive.

Good luck!


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Hi Emerald! The first batch I sent was in an envelope and the second time was just the postcard. Yet, none of them made it to the receiver. I really think Indonesia Post is not delivering them to the receiver’s house for some reason :confused:

Mine are working well and recently I sent 2 swap postcard to Surabaya and Bali.
Both reached Indonesia around 25 days.

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From what I’ve noticed, Jakarta is problematic. But other cities are receiving them fine :sweat_smile:

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