Postcards from where you live?

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post written in May 2023

Brand new to this!! Do people mind postcards received that are not from where the person send them lives? Just wondering what people’s views are on this? The place where I’m from doesn’t have many to choose from to be honest. Personally I don’t mind a mixture of any type of postcard being sent to me be it location ( of where the person lives, the same country of where the person lives or any type of postcard be it animals, art, advertising etc. Would be interesting to see what you all think!


Hello, @MartynHst43277 and welcome :slight_smile:
I have same kind of problem: in a little place like my hometown there´s not a variety of cards to choose from.
However I prefer sending cards that represent my country in a way or another. I also rather receive cards that represent senders country. Not a double decker from Egypt or pyramids from London.


Personally, if it’s a tourist postcard, I prefer receiving a postcard depicting the person’s country. I don’t mind if it shows another city or state/province, as long as it’s the same country. The only time I send a tourist postcard that comes from another country is when it’s in the person’s wishlist. Sometimes, they want to get a postcard from one of your travels. So yeah, I wouldn’t mind getting a touristic postcard that shows a different country but it is not my preference :blush: And welcome to Postcrossing! :heart:


Some people don’t care, the main thing is to receive a nice card. Others don’t like this at all, they want the cards from the original place (especially collectors). Usually it is written in the profile.


Thanks that made me feel better! We have some many nice places here in the UK with nice postcards!


Great replies :slight_smile: thanks so much

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Hi Martyn and welcome to Postcrossing and the forum!

Might I recommend you check out British Isles?

I’ve sent non local viewcards before, but most people prefer to get of origin, in my experience
(By of origin, it doesn’t have to be of your city, might be somewhere else in the country. Castles, for one, seem to be a theme many people like)

I’m okay to get non local viewcards too - sometimes that’s all the other person has, or it might not be convenient for them to get other cards etc

Some people are like me, okay with non local viewcards
They will usually mention in their profiles that they’re happy with any card!

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Thanks for the welcome and tips! Much appreciated!

Are there any stamps that represent your hometown? For example about a statue or an artist or a building or something else? Maybe you could customize your card in that way?

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I’ll look into it

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Within the same nation (UK ones) would be fine for almost all Postcrossers, except a few who collect certain series cards perhaps.

For non-British cards … save them for profiles that clearly state ‘I don’t care, you can send me anything!’ Feel free to tell those people something like ‘Ive never been here, but the place looks beautiful!’ in your message.


Hi Martyn and welcome! I don’t mind receiving cards that are not from where the sender lives, it’s fine for me!

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I agree with the answers that have already been given. However, we must remember that your only obligation is to send a postcard. Any postcard. Obviously, most of us want to send something that will make the receiver happy, but if we don’t have anything in line with their profile/wishes, all we have to do is send any postcard we have available.


I think many members would be interested in King Charles or Queen Elizabeth cards at the moment. Your cards don’t need to be local


Oooo, British Museum has many nice cards of Egyptian antiquities


That´s true :grinning:
I´ve visited there twice.
But I think I didn´t see any pyramids around…

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I actually prefer to send postcards from Australia - I love to share it with everyone! On the other hand, I’m also from a pretty small town that doesn’t have a lot of choice in postcards and the ones that are available I don’t personally like.
There IS a solution though! I occasionally get a stack of postcards printed through of photos I’ve taken. Yes, I end up with a stack of 50 of the same image but it’s a local image I like to send such as Postcard AU-846753 or Postcard AU-847334. They don’t go off and they work out to a pretty good price, even with international postage added later.
I’ve found Vistaprint to not only be good value but excellent quality too, so it’s an option for you if there’s something local you want to share.
As to what I like to receive I do like something from the same country of origin as it was sent in but at the end of the day if there’s more of a message on the back than just “hello” or “happy Postcrossing” I’m pretty happy. Getting a travel mode card is great fun!


I don’t actually send out too many tourist or greetings from postcards. I have mostly animals, landscapes, and artwork. I have designed a couple “Greetings From” postcards if people request those. I’ve only been at this a little over a month - but many of the cards I’ve received are wildlife based (gee, I wonder why since I tell in my bio how much I love animals). Anyway to make a long story short - I don’t think it matters. And by the way you can buy lots of postcards on line - Amazon, Zazzle, etsy, Redbubble, and I’m sure lots of other places.

I also agree with some other comments I see that the most important part to me is the message on the back. Postcrossing is about connecting and learning about each other.

Welcome to Postcrossing!!! (PS - look at the lotteries! You can win postcards and stickers and it’s fun! I actually just got done posting a lottery a moment ago)

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Welcome to this great community!
I don’t care at all if cards are not from the country of the sender. I think it is wonderful to get a card from whatever. Many cards are sold internationally .
Some people do ask for cards from a particular country, great when I have some! I guess all the wishes ( also mine) should be taken as an idea, not as an obbligation.


I too use vistaprint with my own photos. Then I can send views I particularly like. (Yours are good.)