Postcards from Papersisters

Ive just placed an order at Papersisters and really do love their Postcards design. I would love to collect the different countries on. In my understanding they do ship worldwide right? Curious if there are people from overseas beside of Germany who buy there? Is it even possible to receive those kind of cards from different countries or more likely from German Postcrossers :smiley:

I also saw that currently there is this one German Postcard Version 3 available now. Does anyone have Version 1 and 2 to show me? :slight_smile:

Do you mean the HPC series?

Here is Germany (version 1):

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Hello @Tenshi I moved your Topic to the Postcard chat! category, because there is the right place for it.

It is very popular to buy from them in many countries, as far as I know. I think I received one from the Netherlands and maybe others that I donā€™t remember.
Personally, I actually donā€™t like them :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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@Bille thank you my mistake, sorry about that!

Great to hear that they have people who buy them from overseas! I hope I get one, one day haha :laughing:

They are seding postcards world-wide as itā€™s described in the Payment / Dispatch modal:

We use Deutsche Post and DHL for shipping. For deliveries within Germany we charge a fixed rate of 3,75 ā‚¬ gros. From an order value of 75 ā‚¬ on or more we provide shipping free of charge within Germany. Delivering to a ā€œPackstationā€ of Deutsche Post within Germany is possible only for orders of a value of minimum 75 ā‚¬.

For a fixed rate of 5,95 ā‚¬ gros, we ship to the countries of the European Union, Norway, Great Britain, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

For a fixed rate of 12,00 ā‚¬ gros (10,34 ā‚¬ net), we ship via registered mail to the following countries: Australia, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, South Africa, Namibia, Indonesia, Russia, India, New Zealand, Ukraine, Philippines, Turkey, Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, China, Thailand, Mexico, Peru, Azerbaijan and Macao. Local taxes and fees may apply when import. They have to be paid by the customer.

For a fixed rate of 15,00 ā‚¬ net we ship via registered mail to the United States of America.

If you would like to arrange shipments to another country not in the list above, please contact us via the contact form. We will calculate the conditions for your individual order.

This window you could see when you click on a link plus shipping costs on a postcardā€™s page.

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Yes, they have a lovely store. Iā€™ve bought cards, a stamp & some washi tape from them & it shipped quickly to Canada! Enjoy!

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