Postcards direct request

I was ok with direct requests. I accepted two but now as m writing them I notice the address is the same for two random people. I understand this country is not similar to my own. Should I be concerned and if so about anything? I’m fine with sending cards and getting nothing back if that is the result but anything else ?

Were these direct swap requests through the main site or the forum? Sometimes people have more than one Postcrossing account, so you might be sending 2 postcards to one person. There are instances of 2 individuals who live together each having their own Postcrossing accounts. For example a mother and daughter who both do Postcrossing or a married couple who both do Postcrossing or roommates who both do Postcrossing. So probably not 2 random people, but either 1 person with 2 accounts or 2 people who live together who both asked for cards from you.

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Hi Wonder! I moved your question to the “help” section for you, as it’s a bit more appropriate there. This community is super helpful and supportive so hopefully you’ll get lots of great answers. :slight_smile:

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80 families live in our house and we write the same address, we do not write the apartment number, only the house number, because our concierge puts the mail in the mailbox. In any case, it can be postcrosser sisters or grandmother and granddaughter or something else.

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If they asked for the trade then you can a) wait to mail your cards until you have received theirs or b) ask them to send you a photo showing your name and a stamp on their card to verify it will get mailed. If so you should do the same.