Postcards: A Love Story

I was looking through an old edition of Real Simple magazine and saw this delightful article entitled Postcards: A Love Story from June 2019.

It has a “What to Write” section and a “New Uses for Old Postcards” section. I thoroughly enjoyed the article and wanted to share it with the Postcrossing community.

Postcards: A Love Story from Real Simple Magazine


What a charming article!! Thank you so much for sharing, @HeatherSuncoast

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Lovely! Thank you for sharing!

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Loved reading the article. Thank you for sharing!

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This was so great, thanks for posting!

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A wonderful article - maybe I should more often send postcards to friends - I normally send them only for postcrossing… Thank you for sharing! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing, perfect Sunday morning reading :sunny:

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Wow, and all this happened before the COVID era made postcards a way to reach out of your isolation!

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Interesting article, thank you foe sharing!

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