
Hi. I’m new here. I hope to receive postcards.


Hello and welcome!
I recommend you to look at these categories:

Games & activities
Trades, requests and offers

For example, in Round Robins (RR) there are many topics separated by countries or themes with different groups. You can join any group (but firstly read the rules) and send cards to other participants and receive cards from them when your group will be complete. If you have questions you can ask the host of RR you would like to join :slight_smile:
In Postcards you can offer your cards for exchange or request cards you would like to receive :sparkles:
In Penpals wanted you can look for penpals to exchange postcards or letters :heart_eyes:

And there are many other topics, just read about them :wink:

I hope it was helpful :cherry_blossom:


Hello @kathy-Yip
Welcome to our community the Postcrossing-Forum :slight_smile:

Plase write in the titel of the the topic the name of you country because the user would like to know that and give more informations which postcards you would like to get and which you can send to other people

Are you interested in direct swaps from Austria?
I have great landscape postcards and wonderful stamps

Best wishes


PS: @EugeneOnegin are you interested in postcards from Austria?

Hi Kathy, welcome, given that you just joined today, have you drawn your first 5 addresses of people you can send to on the main site?

That’s starts the process with official cards & here in the Forum you can trade cards, play tags or other games at any time with people to receive or send cards now while you’re waiting for your official cards to start to come to you. It can be a bit slow in the beginning & patience is required.

Feel free to ask any questions - you’ll get the hang of it soon. Happy Postcrossing!

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I remember that my first addresses from postcrossing were from Germany, Norway, China, and the USA.
It was very interesting for me to write my first cards.
Today I have wrote over 200 cards since 2020.

:postcrossing: Postcrossing is a great hobby :slight_smile:

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Welcome to Postcrossing Kathy!
It takes a while for your first postcards to arrive, so hang in there.
I sent my first ones in late June last year; it wasn’t until end of July / early August before some started to trickle in. By end of September, I was into a nice rhythm of sending/receiving postcards.
I agree with previous writers who suggest trying different round robins, such as All About Women, and swaps, as they come up. A great way to boost your intake of postcards until your Postcrossing rhythm gets established. I didn’t think to look at these until months after joining, so you are quite ahead of the game.
Have a great time sending and receiving postcards! :dancer:

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Hi,Julian!I’m interested in direct swaps from Austria. Austria is a beautiful country! Thank you for your message!

That’s very kind of you. Thank you for your message!

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Hi, Helen! Thank you for your message. I like Canada very much. I have been to Vancouver to travel. It is really a wonderful city.

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Hi.Rin. Thank you for your message. It is helpful.

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