Postcard to member with empty or very short profile?

Thanks. Edited it out


I wanted to add, since no one has mentioned it in response to your question, that you can see the date they joined Postcrossing on their profile. I can see you joined June 23, 2023, for example :slight_smile: For me, knowing their join date is helpful, particularly with an empty profile. I usually just send a tourist card to be on the safe side, since there’s no card history to help get ideas from.
Even if their join date is older, maybe they created an account and didn’t do anything with it for while. I joined in 2005, participated for a while, but then took a very long hiatus until 2019.
I do find it disconcerting to get a new member and find their profile blank as well, but it happens. Sometimes members never fill the About me info. This whole topic category has a lot of interesting conversations about empty profiles, so read through when you have a moment. Several members do talk about the fact that some newbies do disappear and call it ghostcrossing, perhaps this slight humor will help. :sweat_smile:


Thanks I did send a card.

When I draw a new member with a blank profile I suggest they make one & tell us about their work, school, hobbies, pets etc

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I had an address for a new member with no profile. I sent a PM and said, “I see you are new to Postcrossing. There is nothing in you profile. Can you please tell me some of your interests?” He responded with a thank you for reminding him and gave me a few suggestions.


I like long wishlists, makes it much easier to find a card that matches. I really don’t like when there’s only one or two things and the rest is deemed acceptable. Recently had a few profiles that had only a couple of sentences, nothing about what type of card they might like and 0 favourites. And these were not newbies. These profiles always make me a little sad, I never know what the recipient might like.


In this case I have a look at the sent cards and if I could read a style out of it. (Yes, it relies on the assumption that they bought the cards themselves and had a choice while buying/getting/… and that they care at all). And sometimes I feel better then, especially if I like a lot of their sent cards :smiley:
And I normally forget to look at the sent postcards :grin:, so this is a reminder also for myself.


In these cases I typically send a view card or simply any card that I feel like sending at that moment :person_shrugging: My thinking is that if they don’t give any hints what they like, they probably want a surprise or they don’t really have any preference.


The other day I was drawn an address with a perfectly blank profile. Person didn’t introduce a name, had zero favorited postcards, and only has been sending multi view cards for a very very long time. I was stuck for two days because I just did not know what postcard to pick and what to write. It felt like I was cut off from the joy of connecting & communication. The member was an active member of Postcrossing for several years. I came to think that there are people who likes the idea of receiving random postcards from a complete stranger with no info at all. I picked a card that I would like to receive, and will be filling the backside with full text of what I want to say. Still I have a hint of feeling that I’m gonna get a empty hurray message in return :joy::joy:


Tonight I drew an address and for the first time, it was for someone with a blank profile. She joined in 2022, so I’m not sure why she didn’t fill anything out. I looked through my postcard stash and decided to send her a Maine tourist card. I wrote to her that I had joined postcrossing last year, how much I love it and how postcrossing has encouraged me to want to explore more places in my own state. :blush:


You do the best you can with what you’ve got.


I once pulled an address with a blank profile and perused their received cards. The received cards were so diverse! I think it would be an interesting experiment to have a completely blank profile with no favourites just to see what people choose to send you when they have zero information.
I have no problems with an empty profile. I’m completely free to send whatever I want.


Sometimes I draw profiles with empty profiles, with no profile picture, but sent thousand of postcards.
In those cases, I look for cards in their favorites, to get an idea for a card they can enjoy :slight_smile:
You don’t know why a profile is empty. Maybe a bug on their computer deleted all of it or they are just too lazy? Maybe, they have an illnes, so it’s dificult for them to type? We don’t know.

I’ve drawn a few postcrossers that had empty profiles. I feel it gave me the freedom to choose whatever postcard I felt like mailing that day. I may usually write about my day’s schedule.


My experience with empty profiles is that it’s still a minority who sends empty hurray messages. One of the loveliest hurray messages I’ve ever got was send by a member who had empty profile. :blush:


I think that’s the best way to go about it. There is no need to think too much about short or empty profiles. Sometimes I check their sent and favourites to find out if they seem to like something specific, but generally I see it as an invitation to choose whatever my preference is. I see it as a refreshing change :slightly_smiling_face:

Sometimes I do struggle to come up with something to write though. But that also can happen with profiles that have long text, if I don’t find something to connect to at all :laughing:


Just a little while ago I sent to another empty (but not new) profile. And again I got such a warm and lovely Hurray Mail :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

While I still prefer detailed profiles because it makes it much more easy for me to choose a postcard it says nothing about the Hurrays.

I’ll never forget the postcard to a very nice and fully written profile - and the empty Hurray mail. Only weeks after I drew the second account of that person. A very nice and funny profile and then again - an empty Hurray. While of course these are exceptions (at least I think so) it is just one reason why I would never expect anything good or anything bad just because of the profile :blush:


My profile is rather short because I have no needs or desires other than receiving a postcard. There is no rule that members have to make long lists or share their whole life with the rest of postcrossing. I have drawn profiles with long, long, long lists - and believe it or not, I had not one postcard that met the needs and desires of those members. (And usually I have about 100 cards at hand).

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When I go on vacation I send cards to friends and family members but they never give me a list of what kind of cards they want to get. Sometimes I just a card to someone I know but I don’t know their likes or favorites. I pick a card, hope they like it and write a few sentences and mail it. That makes me never feel sad even though I have no clue whether the friend or family member likes the card. In some cases I know , a friend for example likes churches so I try to find a card with a church for her) but in most cases I have no clue whether the receiver prefers mountain or lakes, cats or dogs. I am happy when I find a beautiful card with a church for that one friend but I am also happy when I see a lake view, a mountain, a piazza for my other friends.

I think your profile gives many clues as to the types of cards you might enjoy receiving, it definitely tells me enough about you & your interests to choose a card I hope you would like x