Postcard template

Hier möchte ich eine auf Deutsch geschriebene Postkartenvorlage für Community-Mitglieder teilen, jeder könnte dies nützlich finden. – English translation – Here I want to share a postcard template written in German for community members, everyone might find this useful.

P.S. If anyone knows about a similar template they can post here, no need to trade also.

Kindly, please in English?

Thank you Alex. :hugs:

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@AprilSun66 Yes definitely, above I wrote: “Here I want to share a postcard template written in German for community members, everyone might find this useful.”

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Thank :hugs: you for explaining.

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Please edit your opening post and the headlline and write it in English.
And since you are in the trade section here, please also write what you want to trade this card for.

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