Postcard Swapping - How does it work?

I’m new to postcrossing and I’ve seen lots of references to ‘postcard swapping’ but I don’t seem to be able to find out exactly how it works!!! Any advice would be most helpful … thanks as ever steve

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It’s very simple, if you want to exchange postcards with a member of Postcrossing you can send the a message and ask them if they want as well, if you get a positive reply you exchange addreses and each of you send one postcard to the other.
In the forum there several topics with offers and requests where people show their cards and ask for swaps. That way you can find easier postcards that you might collect and the swap lefts satusfied both sides since they both take what they want.


Hello Steve,

Welcome on its beautiful community :hugs:

Like Aggeliki have said, SWAP is very simple and just to share between two people(like postcards, stamps, tickets…)

This allows you to be able to share lots of things with the community, until you can send your next postcard through the basic postcrossing process.

I would be happy to participate for your first swap with you if you want :slight_smile:

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It’s pretty simple just post about a swap! Hopefully someone will PM you and you’ll exchange addresses through the PM. It’s really fun. Especially if you only have a few open slots or are looking for cards from certain places or themes

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There’s also a post thread where people post their offer albums and you can send them a direct message if you find a card in their album that interests you.

Drop your OFFER ALBUMS here!