Postcard Schedule

Do you have a postcard/penpal writing schedule? Specific days of the week or times of the day? Or just whenever you have time?

I usually pull all my Official addresses on Saturday morning so I have until Monday to write (and make, if I decide I want to send a handmade to someone) and get them in the mail without feeling guilty! And I usually respond to pen pals on Sundays. Itā€™s not set in stone, but thatā€™s my usual schedule. I used to pull addresses early on weekday mornings because I tended to get more ā€œunusualā€ addresses that way, but by now Iā€™ve sent enough officials that while it would be great to pull a new country, I donā€™t worry about it.


I have no schedule, but follow one rule - I am drawing an address only when I am going around a mailbox next day, and when I am sure, that I have enough time and feel like to sit down and write that day. I hate the idea, that I would draw an address and wouldnĀ“t write the card immediately. :slightly_smiling_face:
And I never draw another address before I am finished with the previous one. I spend different time with different addresses - some of them make me write a lot, some doesnĀ“t.


No schedule just when I want toā€¦which is oftenšŸ˜‚


I live in a small town, so I can reach the post office at any time. I usually write postcards in the evening by lighting candles. though during school I only manage to do this on weekends

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I had to establish schedule just couple weeks ago! I have many penpals and being on forum - I went crazy a bit over tags and just random-encounter swaps (I was active on the old forum ages ago in 2012-2014 and remember it as sending/receiving one of the best cards, and now new forum is so easy to track and check on phone xD).

I have an xls sheet in to track everything (sending out cards, that recipient received, that I received and that I wrote a receiving message, last was always my slacking part for penpals, itā€™s easier to send another card than write a message). So I divided penpals into every week/biweekly/monthly categories, plus I have a sheet on tags/RR and a sheet on one-time or occasional swaps. It feels a little bit like a pipeline on my desk: blank cards, cards with decoration and stamps, written cards. So I write cards or decorate or choose every spare moment Iā€™m at my desk (sounds a bit horrible, but actually now my writing queue is smaller, than when I had less of a flow). Sunday is usually a big writing day and a day to make all handmades!

And of course had to put my official profile to inactive for a bit till my forum activity settles down to moderate level (before I drew out addresses and wrote cards every time I had one of the sent cards received)


I usually write my postcards on the weekends when I have time. But if I have a particularly slow day, I might also write a postcard or two in the evening. With the Month of Letters, though, my schedule is going to be changed quite a bit during February since Iā€™ll be writing at least one thing every day during that month instead of waiting until the weekend. But Iā€™ll most likely go back to my old habits during March.


Iā€™m thinking about some shedule for the future. But not rihgt now, when I am newbie with 9 sent and 4 received cards. On current moment I am on a pause- all my 6 allowed cards are traveling, I can do nothing.

I used to just try and do them as I had empty slots, but now I can send a lot more cards and am often busy during the week I try to at least get them done on Sunday for posting on Monday. Today is Monday and 7 cards are now tripping around the world :slight_smile:

I do tend to check the travelling status more often before 5pm on weekdays, as thatā€™s when the mailboxes are emptied. Getting an empty spot between 4 and 5 gets me in a small rush. Itā€™s enough time for me to write the postcard, but then it depends on my mood whether I want to cycle to a mailbox lol.
Still, even in the evenings and weekends, I take any empty spot I can as a newbie. Canā€™t stand when the bar isnā€™t full and with little obligations currently I can basically drop the activity I was doing to write a card.

Iā€™m still new, but if I receive a slot early in the week I will pull the address quickly and write the card the same day. For swap type situations or freed slots later in the week, I sit down on Sunday morning and pull addresses and write. So far Iā€™ve pulled all available addresses in one go, and then tried to pick suitable cards for all of them before writing.

if I feel like it ill send one. But usually I write when I recieve a reply from someone and send out the next day

Before covid, I tried to send one a month, drawing it the first Sunday. Right now I donā€™t have a schedule, but I dream of one day having the money to send one a day.

No schedule. I draw few addresses, when I can afford to buy the cards and stamps. Its getting more expensive each year!