Postcard Postage Support

Can an organization or someone support the postage cost of a member of the post crossing group.

Please explain exactly what you want.


The postcard sender is responsible to pay for the postage. If you put a postcard in the mail without postage it will not be delivered.

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Do you mean like could someone sponsor you (or someone else)?
So that someone else pays all or part of your postcrossing costs?

Edit. I think someone could send you reply coupons you then could change to stamps, but of course this kind of thing should be dealt beforehand, and doesn’t work with official postcrossing postcards, but could work with direct swaps.

Can you say your question differently? It is not clear what you are asking. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Kindly check the question again. I wanted to know if it’s possible to support or pay for a member cost of a member.

Are you wanting to pay for someone or are you looking for financial aid?

I want to pay for someone.

The organization that I work for wants to support the postal cost of individuals.

And I suppose the persons you want to support live in Ghana too?

Your question would be easier to answer if you told us a bit more… :wink:

And need your organization money to do that?

I think the Postcrossing team could help with that?
Of course one is allowed to pay someone’s postage, but do you want anything in return?
Does anyone need to share their information with your organisation?

I think it this way, if someone would like to sponsor my postcrossing, easiest would be to get stamps. But should I mention the sponsor in my cards? I think that would not be ok.

An organization where I work wants to sponsor the postage cost of a member who wants to send postcards to these countries (USA, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Germany and Switzerland). I want to know if people will be interested and is it allowed for members to take that opportunity.

An organization where I work wants to sponsor the postage cost of a member who wants to send postcards to these countries (USA, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Germany and Switzerland). I want to know if people will be interested and is it allowed for members to take that opportunity.

As long as you don’t explain in concrete terms how the sponsorship is to take place and the conditions for it, no one here can give you an answer.


They will create your address label and the postcard ID section with information stating that the postage is sponsored by them with the website on it. And they will buy your stamps for you.

An organization where I work wants to sponsor the postage cost of a member who wants to send postcards to these countries (USA, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Germany and Switzerland). I want to know if people will be interested and is it allowed for members to take that opportunity.

Who will create? The organisation or the sender?

Why only to these countries you mentioned? And how will they pay the postage to other countries?

You must explain what they agree when they form the sponsorship relation, do they have to send a certain amount, does your organisation need access to postcrossing accounts, do they need to report back, are receiver’s addresses safe, are they allowed to send to other countries, how the sponsorship is ended etc.

Please introduse the organisation and write a proper term and conditions of this sponsorship and ask the Postcrossing team.

Maybe write example how this would happen in reality.

Members can’t decide this type of things.
Also this short way you ask here is not enough information, sorry.

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The process is not clear to me yet.

But the addresses and the ID would have to be passed on to the organisation in order to create the address labels, and that is definitely not allowed.

That’s why it’s pointless to continue discussing it here.
If you have any further questions, please :arrow_right:Contact us.

I am now closing this topic.