Postcard Offer TAG - Japan x Rest of the World

This tag was moved from the old forum.

参加される場合、offerできるカードをタグの際に書いてくださ い。もし offer album (links) 等があれば、そちらをお見せになっていただいても構いません。投稿の末尾に Previous 5 countries from my turn (- This means you can tag when your country is not listed) と書いて、自身の番から上に海外の5ヶ国を数えて、それらの国名を書いてください。

日本在住の方でしたら、tag back はもちろん、好きなだけ参加していただ けます。自身の下の方にカードを送ります。
皆さんが楽しんで参加されることを願っています! :slightly_smiling_face:

To promote more diversity of people in non-Japan countries, people in Japan are supposed to write Previous 5 countries above their turn. This means you can tag when your country is not listed. Thank you for understanding.

To join this tag, please write down and/or show the card images of your offer from your country/countries.You send a stamped and written postcard to the person below you. Please do not ask for special postmarks in this tag.
You can write the card in Japanese and/or English (or in other languages). I hope you all enjoy this tag. :slight_smile:

The next person to be tagged is yuyunanami.

I offer:

Animals(illustration or photo)
Cats(illustration or photo)
Children’s book illustration
Dogs(illustration or photo)
Maiko girl

Previous 5 countries from my turn - this means you can tag me when your country is not listed:
Indonesia, Germany, China, Philippines and Slovenia

:small_red_triangle: Please tag yuyunanami.

New offer added
New year card
Folded Christmas card

Previous 5 countries from my turn - this means you can tag me when your country is not listed:
Indonesia,Germany, China, Philippines and Slovenia

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Tag @yuyunanami with Anime/manga

My offers:
Shaped card
The little prince

Is there a japanease person, who want to tag? I am German, I think I can forget this tag. There are to many German postcards landing in Japan, I think.

Tag @lizilizzie with Illustration

I am in Japan - please check the postal monitor for Japan.

I offer :

Ukiyoe - Japanese wood block print
Osaka Castle
Handmade made with my carved stamp
Dayan Cat
Random nice Japanese viewcard
Japanese new year card of Dragon
Kyoto viewcard
Cat photo, Best selection by Mitsuaki Iwago

Previous 5 countries : Germany, China, Philippines, Slovenia, USA

Tag @clubpostcards with Random Nice Japanese Viewcard :smile:

I offer:

  • Cat postcards
  • Illustration postcards related to Korea
  • Touristic postcards with single view (a bit bigger than standard size)
  • 59 Parks (US National Parks Series)
  • Flowers


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