Postcard bombing

Have any Postcrossers considered postcard bombing (if that’s what it can be called). We’ve all seen and heard of yarn bombing (decorating items in a town with knitted creations) but what about leaving random postcards in the town for people to find? Any spare card you have with a message about the joys of Postcrossing (with website details) and leave it in a café, library, post office, hanging in a tree, etc for it to be discovered. Has it already been done?


I think that’s the sweetest idea! Not sure in our new, slightly cleaner world that everyone would want to touch random things, but hopefully curiosity would get the better of them!
With regard to yarn bombing, to this date I have never participated, however I am hoping to make a postbox topper for world postcard day and attach a label referring to postcrossing.


I did it some years ago from time to time with ‘leftover’ blank meetup cards. Usually at places like concert houses or bookcrossing-shelves, where other flyers can be picked up too


I love this idea! Finding a little library/community box to leave postcards in might be a good proof of concept :thinking:


Do you know if any of the cards generated interest in Postcrossing?

No, don’t know. Still, I think I will start spreading cards again, one never knows if it’s for the right person to find

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Great idea!
Think I can try this in the library of my town :slight_smile:

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Bom idea! Have there been any posters created in the past about Postcrossing? It might be fun to put up a few across town . . . any design ideas for a poster? I think there are a lot of talented artists in the PC community


I don’t know about with postcards; but more love basically started with the founder leaving notes around town for people to find. She really has an amazing story. If you like to read get ahold of her book

I loved her book and participated in her website for years.

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Prepared some to leave in the library later. Hopefully they convert people into becoming new members!


I’m off to the library later today. I think I’ll leave a few! :hugs:


I’ve left the cards all around!
I did leave my ID and profile sticker on it, telling them to send me a message if they join, so we shall see!


YEP!! Me, too. Be fun to see if any make a connection. Weeeeeeeeee! :smile:


so, you stamp and address the mpostcard to yourself and leave it blank?

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Hi Bernard
Not quite. It’s just spare cards and I have written all about the joys of Postcrossing with details of the site and left them in random places. I hope they will be found and it will pique the finder’s curiosity and they will join in on the fun. :blush:


Did your cards make an impression?

Mine didn’t - but it’s also possible that they still haven’t been found in the library :joy: I stuck them in books and in between books

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Not yet but two of my cards are from a local photographer that sells them as postcards. Someone found both and returned them to him!! :rofl: :rofl: Thankfully, the photographer knew me so gave them back and I snuck them back in to the library.


Round 2 of cards to go out today!


Good luck!!

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I dropped two into books in the “new Chinese books” section, one into a new Fredrik Backman novel, and the other two into “Letters of Note” Book 1 and Book 2.

Fingers crossed!