Postcard blog challenge

I hope I am posting correctly (im new writing in the forum).
I was wondering if anyone with a postcard blog is interested in blog hops challenges, like postcard hunt by theme. If so, I know of one happening every Thursday. Maybe someone would want to participate?
it is at this address (look on the right side of the landing page: it is called Thursday Postcard Hunt). (FYI not my blog, but I do participate).
I enjoy looking for postcards every week to include in the themed post.



cool idea with this blog and your hobby :slight_smile: :heart_eyes:
Do you run it regularly?
I was thinking of starting a similar blog, but I don’t know which site would be better

An interesting idea, Marina!
I’ve sometimes searched for blogs about postcards and come across some interesting places to learn about postcards.
I also started a blog earlier this year for Postcards to the Front (Canada / Канада), which houses information on the international project to send postcards to Ukraine’s front line Defenders. It helped to see other similiar-ish blogs when thinking about theme, font, etc.

I use Wordpress and I am very happy with it (I have 4 blogs on different subjects and I can manage them all from the same place).
My postcard blog, if you would like to see it, is here Blog – Postcards Etc

The postcard hunt is run every Thursday, by the address I put in the original post. I just participate and would like to see more participants :grin:

Thank you.
I actually follow your blog :blush:. Great job on that!!!

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