Postcard arrived after she passed away

You have touched many hearts my dear. We sometimes need gentle reminders that the art of writing and reaching out touches so many in the process. The person who writes the card- the dozens who read it at post office ( at least at mine)… , the people who deliver it, the recipient, the people who will read them after they return HOME………I think I may just have to write a few today to those I miss…


Hello Annebreg
Reading your story brought tears to my eyes. It made me think of my grandmother. She passed away four years ago, and I sometimes still dream of her, as she was before her last illness. I like to think that she comes to greet to me those nights.

You joined Postcrossing for a beautiful reason, and I wish you to have a great time here


Ik vind het zo triest voor jou dat je oma is overleden voordat ze jouw kaart kreeg. Maar dat het jou heeft geinspireerd om aan Postcrossing mee te doen is heel fijn. Laat maar toch gemeend, gecondoleerd met deze trieste einde aan jouw bezoeken aan jouw grootmoeder. Ik hoop dat je veel plezier blijft beleven met Postcrossing. Maria


I can understand how you feel, it happened to me too: in November I sent not my mum a card from Oman and it arrived in July. Unfortunately she died in June


What a wonderful thought to join postcrossing because of the last card you sent to your dear grandmother. It will be such a precious memory to keep that card and the cards she sent you.

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Thank you for sharing your story :pray:t2::heart:


Thank you for sharing your very important story. I agree with others that she has definitely read the card and is watching over you still.

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That was a very touching story @Annebreg :cry:

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