Postage increase Switzerland (01.01.2022)

As of 2022, postal rates for national and international mail will increase. I am sure that my fellow Swiss postcrossers have already heard, but I still have some things to share concerning this topic. :slight_smile:

I tried to order the new make-up value stamps and have found this info on

Translation: New prices are in place for A- and B-Post from 1 January 2022 onward. A-Post standard letters cost CHF 1.10 and B-Post letters CHF 0.90. Postage stamps for the tax values and make-up values (CHF 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20) can be pre-ordered on from 13 December 2021. The delivery will take place from 27 December.

This does not mention that the rates for international mail will increase also. Europe will be CHF 1.80 (+ 0.30) and overseas will be CHF 2.30 (+ 0.30). There will only be priority mail, B-Post will no longer exist for international mail.

The new standard postage stamps will look like this (source: Lupe magazine 4/2021):

Unfortunately, I do not have a sneak peak for the make-up value stamps.

In order to be prepared, I have already bought some of the current (more or less) matching values:

Have you also prepared yourself already for this change?

Also, does someone know whether we will still have to affix a “A Priority” sticker to international mail even though there is only one “class” left? I should think so, but I am not sure.

I would always put a priority sticker on international mail as it can also influence how fast it gets transported in the other country.


The designs of the make-up definitives series “Münzen” (Engl. transl. “coins”) are now published and all stamps are ready for pre-order.


I think I will order today. :slight_smile: However, as mentioned above, the stamps will be isssued at the end of December.

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