Possible to upload new postcard image when received?

Hi everyone, I’m new and have received some beautiful postcards that I want to have in my favorites gallery. Sometimes the sender has posted a picture already, but the picture I can take of it is better (I’m using the google scan app!) and I want to use it instead. Is it possible to delete the original picture and put my new scan in its place, so that both I and the sender can have it in our galleries?

thanks for any help on this!


Yes, you have that ability as the receiver of the postcard - you can delete the existing image & upload your own. I’ve done this another of times when I’ve been able to scan a better image.

Just click on the ID number link for that postcard & in the right hand lower corner under the picture is a link that says “Delete image?” and go from there.

You can also add a description of the image, the sender can’t do that sadly.


briliant! thank you for the insider knowledge. I’m going to do that now!

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I wish we were able to add a description because I think it is important to acknowledge the producer of the postcard. Kind of like citing the source.


Well there’s that, plus the person who sent the postcard likely knows the image best & would be the best person to write the description.

I love looking at postcard in the Gallery, but the vast majority have no descriptions so I never know where it is or what I’m looking at exactly often which makes me sad given that there are literally millions of images like that.

I put in this request in all PC surveys, but I gather the issue of who can delete/re-upload was a big debate & complex issue within PC before my time & I suspect the sender not being able to add a description initially is connected with that process.


I like to put as much information as I can about the card into the description, but you’re right, often there’s not enough to go off of!

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