Portland Oregon | Searching for Meetup Collaborators

I am looking to co-host a Postcrossing Meetup in Portland in the fall of 2023.

Tasks that need completed:

Brainstorming a Meetup card (or not)
Finding a place, date and time
Collecting funds as needed
Guiding the flow of the Meetup
Helping at the registration table
Handing out Meetup cards and /or prizes

If you are interested, please comment below.


I’m would like to drive over when you decide! I’m on the east side.

I hosted one on March 25, last week, with 25 people in attendance. Stay tuned to the Meetups forum thread to see if any are announced in that forum. I think it would be more doable for me with a co-host, otherwise I might make the meetup smaller.

Having missed out on the Spring meet-up, i would like to help out at the registration table and disbursement of prizes, etc.

Thank you!

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Hey there! Mind if I private message you to follow up?

Thank you.


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Will do.