Pony Express Re-enactment

The Pony Express was the fastest way to get mail to California in the early 1860s, after the gold rush had attracted many new people. The Pony Express, using a horse-based relay system, cut travel time for mail between the east and west coasts to about 10 days. A re-enactment ride was held today between Folsom and Sacramento, California, with mail carried in a mochila (specialized pack which fit over the horse). Events like this happen throughout the year in various communities, frequently with accompanying pictorial postmarks. A full re-ride is planned for June 2024: see https://nationalponyexpress.org/


This is so cool! Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know this was a thing.

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They did a reenactment test many moons ago in England, sending a letter from Westminster to Bath by both horse and carriage and by the modern postal system. The horse and carriage absolutely decimated the modern lorries. It may be impractical in the modern day but it sure is effective.


What, that’s so cool! I’d love to receive mail by horse, but I don’t think such a thing exists in Australia.

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I’m surprised it only took 10 days between both coasts.
Makes me think about the endurance of the horses!

I believe the horses were swapped out every 10 to 15 miles (ie the distance between each stop on the Pont Express route)

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To be fair, it was only via horse between Missouri and Sacramento. From points further east, the mail probably got to Missouri on a train, and messages could be sent via telegraph around the eastern half of the country. But that’s still horses riding halfway across the country, about 1600 miles/2600km, and still very fast for such a long way.

There are a couple of good pony express museums in St Joseph Missouri, the start of the express and in Marysville Kansas! We visited them in August! Did you know the famous author Mark Twain was a pony express rider! The pony express lasted about 1 1/2 yrs 1860-186, till the telegraph line was completed! Some lucky members received cards from there with a special post mark from me! If you live near by check it out!!!