Planetary Postcards

Hey Everyone, I started making postcards a few months ago out of my deep interest in map making and geography. So i started making some funny postcards and then I tried a new technique combining real geographic data with Blender to create these visually-pleasing topographic postcards. I made a whole set for every province and territory in Canada (here is an example of Labrador and Newfoundland), and were well received by the local subreddits. I’m now tackling a bigger challenge…outer space!

It dawned on me that I don’t really see many postcards of this nature, so I found some data and started playing with stuff. My goal is to make a little set of planetary postcards based on whatever cosmic object I can find spatial data for (which granted is not that many, maybe 4 or 5 places) but i was wondering if this is something the community would like to see more of, or maybe I can just focus on making postcards of other, earth-based locations instead.

Here is a link to an earlier draft of Mars and Mercury


I would LOVE these. So neat! Keep up the good work :ringer_planet:

I like everything space. The map of Mars and Mercury is really wonderful :+1::+1::+1:

Beautiful :heart_eyes:

Never seen anything like this!
You might want to consider to add a small picture of Mars in one of the lower corders.

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Thank you for the feedback guys. I’ll keep working on them and share a link when they go live :slight_smile:
That being said, if you have any requests do let me know!

I love those! I might make the maps rounded, like the old earth maps, but that’s just a style thing.

I would love these too! If you’re looking for swaps when you get them, please let me know!