Planetary Postcards

Hey Everyone, I started making postcards a few months ago out of my deep interest in map making and geography. So i started making some funny postcards and then I tried a new technique combining real geographic data with Blender to create these visually-pleasing topographic postcards. I made a whole set for every province and territory in Canada (here is an example of Labrador and Newfoundland), and were well received by the local subreddits. I’m now tackling a bigger challenge…outer space!

It dawned on me that I don’t really see many postcards of this nature, so I found some data and started playing with stuff. My goal is to make a little set of planetary postcards based on whatever cosmic object I can find spatial data for (which granted is not that many, maybe 4 or 5 places) but i was wondering if this is something the community would like to see more of, or maybe I can just focus on making postcards of other, earth-based locations instead.

Here is a link to an earlier draft of Mars and Mercury


I would LOVE these. So neat! Keep up the good work :ringer_planet:

I like everything space. The map of Mars and Mercury is really wonderful :+1::+1::+1:

Beautiful :heart_eyes:

Never seen anything like this!
You might want to consider to add a small picture of Mars in one of the lower corders.


Thank you for the feedback guys. I’ll keep working on them and share a link when they go live :slight_smile:
That being said, if you have any requests do let me know!

I love those! I might make the maps rounded, like the old earth maps, but that’s just a style thing.

I would love these too! If you’re looking for swaps when you get them, please let me know!

Thank you to everyone for the kind words of encouragement. I was able to finish 3 cards based on data i was able to find and I just got them printed. Right now im preparing everything and they should be available either this weekend or early next week. You’ll be able to find them on my etsy shop but if you are really really interested just let me know and I’ll DM you when they come up and a discount (if i figure out how to make that work)

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Well i just got them today, so I’ll be releasing them slowly over the course of the next few days. So if you want to get the whole set, I’d say wait until Thursday when the set option comes out. Otherwise, here is my personal favorite, Mars