Picturesque bridge, Moscow, May 15, 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Moscow
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Myasnitskaya st., 17, building 2
:calendar: DATE: 15.05
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
We invite everyone to take part in the first serial meeting dedicated to the sights of Moscow.
The first postcard is dedicated to Picturesque bridge.
Stock up on stamps and run to the meeting.


Поищу обмен :sparkles: Мой обменник:

hello, i like your postcard :smile: can we swap?
here’s my offer, it will be signed by partecipants


please let me know, thank you very much :smile:

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Здравствуйте! А в каком заведении будет встреча?

Beautiful card! Would you like to swap with me?
Besides the card already proposed by stefbot75 (in case more participants in your meeting would like to receive it :slight_smile: ) I can offer these cards from previous meetups. The ones from 2021 and 2022 can be either blank or with the signature of all participants, the older ones only blank

I can change with you


Добрый день! Очень красивая открытка. Хочу поменяться, готова прислать открытку на интересующую вас тему или с майской встречи посткроссеров

Было бы очень интересно поучаствовать, надеюсь, получится приехать!