Phoenix meetup January 13, 2024

Will look forward to attending. It will be my first meetup.

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Hello, I am thinking of coming from Camp Verde, Arizona, can we buy meetup postcards that day or should I order them now? I know it is only a week away but thought I would ask :slight_smile:

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I hope this meetup is still happening because I will be there :slight_smile:

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Yes, Im wondering the same. I’d be coming from Washington state so I would need to know before I make the drive. My Condolences to the family. <3

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Oh wow! What a drive! Well I will be there if you end up coming. :love_letter:

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I am here is anyone else?

I’m in the parking lot. Be in soon

I guess Im leaving, no one showed. Drove 2 hours to get here. Why wasnt this canceled? Would have been my first meetup. Disappointed!

I was there! I was there from 10:30-3:30pm. We must have missed each other. I will look into taking over this meetup for next year.

It’s sad that the meet-up fell through with Demaris’ passing, it looks like there were folks really looking forward to it, and I’m happy to see that someone is planning to take it on going forward.

We have a group of snail mail folks in the valley where we try to meet about once a quarter (AZ Snail Mail Society), and there is a lot of overlap in the folks with overall snail mail and Postcrossing - keep me in the loop and I’d love to share/highlight upcoming events to help with awareness!

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Hello! Yes I was sad that Demaris passed away before I got a chance to meet her. I decided to take over and will do the meet ups. This is my first time doing anything like it so hopefully it all goes smoothly. Please keep me in mind if you or the AZ Snail Mail Society get together.
Take care!

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