[Perhaps not a bug] Sent/received page stops at the same page when viewing different users

Maybe this is not a bug, but a feature. But it may be a bit confusing when using.

Sometimes, when I viewed other’s profile, I would like to see the received tag of that user. For example, the final paged I viewed is page 4.

Then I go to the profile of another user who have not less than 4 pages on the received tag, and click the receive botton. Then the showed page is page 4, which is the same page of the final viewed page of the previous user.

However, that could be a thought that, since I was viewing another profile, I am supposed to be shown from the first page, but not the page which is the same to the page I finally viewed in the previous user’s profile.

I do not know whether it is a feature which is designed to be. But I think it would be normal to show the first page when I start to viewing another profile.

To add on, if I deleted the localStorage on the browser, then I will start from the first page when viewing another profile.

Maybe the logic is, the localStorage records the final page of the received tag of one profile that I viewed lastly. Then, when I switch to the receive tag of another profile, it will load the page number in localStorage, and show the page with that number of the latter user.

The table settings are shared across all sent/received pages so that one doesn’t have to re-configure every time (eg: which columns to see).

But, we also understand how it may sometimes be a bit confusing.

We are currently trialing a fix for this by simply not remembering the last page. If no issues come up, we’ll make it permanent.

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Maybe the mentioned fix could be a cause of another bug (imho).

  • Open traveling list.
  • Open page 2.
  • Click on an image to see a sent postcard.
  • Go back.
  • Page 1 is displayed instead of page 2.

The last point is really annoying. I want to stay on the page 2 and continue with other images.

We are aware — although I don’t think either of the behaviors is exactly a bug: there are pros and cons on both.

One could argue that to open a postcard page (because the image itself can already been seen without moving to a new page), with the intention to return, can be done by opening it a new tab. While, not landing on page 1 when visiting someone’s sent/received can be more confusing, with no workaround/opt-out of it.

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