People who 'don't get it'?

When I draw several addresses I print them out and it has happened several times to me that I confused the numbers and wrote two different ones on the card. (I always write the ID twice on the card.)


I am also sorry for what you said. Although it is not wrong, we do understand that he does not share our ideas. As a Chinese saying goes, “话不投机半句多.” But I wonder, if it’s small countries, are they still in a small postcard business and it’s hard to get a variety of postcards? I once saw in the gallery many identical CARDS from different people in the same country. I forgot the specific country, but I was deeply impressed by the fact that the postcards about that country were almost all with the same pattern

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From the way they are written on the card, it’s clearly not an error. Admin confirmed that the two IDs were from two separate accounts belonging to one person. I have registered one, with a message that I can’t register two IDs on one card. Admin will contact the sender as well.

I found the sender’s other profile, and they are a veteran with many cards registered on both. Don’t know why they would do this.


Perhaps the following analogy is not quite right. My original place of residence is a small city, not as prosperous as the capital, so the post office business is less developed. I dare say I am the only one who sends a lot of postcards in my hometown. Of course, there are some inappropriations in this analogy. Instead of sending the same postcards and words, I try to collect some postcards from museums to surprise the recipients. To use another Chinese saying, “赠人玫瑰,手留余香”.When you give roses to others, you leave a lingering fragrance in your hand


I like your words very much, which I always agree with and insist on. Nevertheless, it is unique in my hands


What a lovely saying! (And I don’t even like roses :laughing:)


In my view, it kind of bothers me that some users have very specific requests, sometimes more expensive and hard to get, but put no effort into sending something nice to others (like sending the same card to everyone). I personally enjoy trying to find the perfect card to send and it makes my day when they favorite my card, but I know not everyone feels the same. I ask for nice stamps in my profile because I love stamps and I collect them, but I don’t take them off the cards. I feel it is not right for me to request them and not reciprocate, so I buy lots of neat stamps for my cards.

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Reminds me of the time I received a card with only a printed out happy postcrossing stuck on, which made me feel kind of sad, but then when I checked out the person’s profile they specifically state on that profile that they want to receive written cards and not just ‘happy postcrossing’, which was confusing to say the least.

At least with some people they themselves enjoy receiving blank cards, so they send those out too. Or they don’t speak English all that well or something. Though I’m honestly happier with cards that have either bad English of people who really tried their best, or cards with a long message in a language I can’t even read, than a printed out short Happy postcrossing. I even like printed out messages as long as it actually tells me a bit more than just that, but oh well…

Generally, I’m still thankful for the card, I just enjoy reading the message a lot :slight_smile:


About sending the same cards: actually, there’s another reason: someone can just not have different cards.
I know, what I’m talking about - I’m from such a small town, that we just don’t have any postcards sailing here. What should I do then?
Once I am in a big town, I try to buy as many cards as possible, so, yeah, there are some cards repeated 3-4 times.
What if the girl has only one type of postcards available? There can be different situations.
As long as they send cards to people, who want to get cards with the “hometown”, it’s okey, right?
P.S. but I don’t understand people not writing at all, or writing really little( I loooove writing a lot and loooove reading a lot)


Hi there, yes, it’s perfectly ok to send the only cards which you have. Please don’t worry about this - if you were. :sun_with_face: :notes: :white_check_mark:


What exactly do you think these people “don’t get”? The concept of Postcrossing is “send a postcard, receive a postcard”. If they are sending and receiving postcards, then, to me that means that they “get it”. They may not get it the same way that you do, but that doesn’t mean that they are wrong.


OK, I’ve read that post four or five times and still can’t see who it’s aimed at. :neutral_face:

It was aimed at you, the person who started this thread. You said some people “don’t get it”. My question is basically what is “it” according to you?


Oh it’s aimed at me! If you’d made that clear by for instance typing @ my name, you would have had a reply earlier.

I can only refer you to the OP. (That’s opening post = first post in this thread) and the 54 replies so far. No one else seems to have had this problem. I could be wrong, I haven’t re-read all 50 or so replies. :man_shrugging:

I clicked “reply” under your post instead of the whole thread, which means you should get a notification.

I’m not sure what “problem” you are referring to. I don’t have a problem, I’m just trying to understand your point. If someone sends and register cards, to me, they “get” Postcrossing. Someone who doesn’t get it would either not send anything or send other things than postcards and would not register the cards that they received.

Everything else on top of that is not inherently part of Postcrossing, it is just our own personal expectations. And so, “some people don’t get Postcrossing” and “some people don’t get my expectations of Postcrossing” become 2 different statements.


Seems to me you are looking for an argument.

What can I say? I didn’t get that notification.

I didn’t use the word problem…

That’s your opinion, fine, but there are degrees of getting it and not getting it. Life is not all black+white, positive+negative, off+on, there are variations in different people’s understanding of words (…can I continue with this micro-analysis, I wonder?)

…as you see it.

You know what? Life is simply far too short for this kind of “debate”, because it doesn’t matter. It’s not important. We all have to decide what is and what is not important, what really matters to us, and then focus on those issues/subjects.

Meanwhile I see I’ve got 20 hearts now on the original post. Thank you to those who did that thing.

Agreed. There are certain things I prefer, but as long as I get a postcard from someone, that’s what I signed up for. :smile:


I’m just thrilled when I get one in the mail! :sunglasses:


I think the phrase “people who don’t get it” can be interpreted in two different ways.

You can either “get it” by following the rules and instructions of Postcrossing. So anyone who sends a postcard gets it.

Then again, you can interpret “get it” as in getting the culture and conventions of Postcrossing that is not only strictly the rules but also the unwritten expectations of, say, writing long messages, adding beautiful stamps, writing thank you messages, not sending duplicates, following people’s wishes on their profiles, etc.

Personally, I think anyone who follows the Postcrossing rules “get it”. I think labeling anyone who doesn’t do all these extra things that people seem to expect as “not getting it” is a little mean-spirited and perhaps intimidating and discouraging to newcomers.


Maybe we should lower our expectations a little. Because someone with high expectations can easily be disappointed.

I personally handle it the following: The idea of postcrossing is to send a postcard to a random person in the world and to receive another one in return from another stranger in the world. Nothing more. So a postcard, a stamp and the simplest message make me happy. Everything beyond that is extra. And this extra makes me extra happy. And because I love to be extra happy I try to make other peope extra happy too by adding all the extras to my postcards.