Participating of children under 18 years

My girls are 9 and 6 y.o., and would like to participate, it would be a very nice experience to them. Can I make profiles to my children or should I tell our address to anyone interested by private message? Does somebody has children looking for penpals around this ages?


Hi Adri! Children under the age of 13 can have Postcrossing profiles if they’re supervised by an adult. You can confirm the full details in the Terms of Service, but here’s the relevant section:

The Website Services are available only to individuals who are either (i) at least 13 years old, or (ii) who are under the age of 13 years old and who are authorized to access the Website by a parent or legal guardian. If you have authorized a minor to use the Website, you are responsible for the online conduct of such minor, and the consequences of any misuse of the Website by the minor. Parents and legal guardians are warned that the Website may display postcard images and other content that may be offensive to some.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:


Thank you, I will think about it.

My 11 year old son participates occasionally with an account of his own. Maybe once or twice he’s noticed that someone favorited or received an “erotic” postcard, but, on the whole, it has been world-expanding for him. When he receives a card, we look at the wall map to see where it came from and think about what route it might have taken.


Lots of kids under 13 have their own account or people have family accounts where the adults & kids are listed. I think as long as kids are supervised, it can be an incredible hobby for them.

If you look through the penpal section, you can certainly see requests for penpals in the 9 to 12 range for sure. Have fun!


I started my account when I was 11.
(My mom was a postcrosser, so she changed her profile in to mine for me.)
And everyone is so kind to me.
I think you can find penpals around 6 to 9 by making a topic of the penpal.
Have a good day.


Thanks to everybody who answered so kindly! I decided to go ahead and make their profiles, I hope it will be amazing! Best regards from Brazil :sunflower:


I think it’s a great idea but before opening an account for a kid you need to have a chat with them, explaining rules and responsibilities, making clear that once they ask for an address they need to write and send a at the other part there is a real.person waiting for it. The same when you receive a card and it needs to be registered, so the mechanism of Postcrossing keeps turning.
You need to ask if THEY want to write postcards. (Or maybe you will do it for them, it’s ok too!) Just need to be clear before starting, so it doesn’t become a “homework”, with the mother nagging the kids to DO IT!!
I tell this because of personal experience, I wanted to make a profile for my son as I love Postcrossing so much, but when we talked, he simply wasn’t interested ( !!! I KNOW!! Crazy!!!) He said he was happy looking at mine and had no interest in writing… . So I kept my profile and added some of his interests, also some of my husband’s too, when a card arrive, we all enjoy and talk about it.
Anything you choose, good luck!! Enjoy! :blush:

Ps I forgot to tell there’s also the possibility of a “family” profile. I have written many postcards to those profiles here. It’s also a great alternative :wink:


@anon25441763 I’d like to suggest mentioning in the kids’ profiles that they’re helped by their mum, who’s also a Postcrosser.

I remember discussions on the old forum about children’s profiles - not everybody feels comfortable to write to a kid when it isn’t clear that the kid’s Postcrossing activities are supervised by an adult. (For example, does the kid know that it isn’t allowed to upload pictures of the written sides of postcards anywhere on the web? Or will the postcards be registered promptly? - All Postcrossers know that in the beginning you need lots of patience, which may be a challenge for kids. :wink: )

Of course the rules say that children under the age of 13 have to be helped by an adult, but stating it makes it clear. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, I agree. A while ago, I got the address of a small child, and it said that he/she was helped by their aunt. It reassured me that all was likely to go well (which it did).


Also, most of the postcrossers choose child friendly postcards, if they read that they write to a child :wink:
I like that every age participate. My youngest postcrosser was 6 years old and my oldest 98 :slight_smile:


My daughter is 19 months old now and I opened an account for her when she was 6 months old (shortly after I started Postcrossing myself). It is stated in her profile that her mom (me) writes her postcards for her as she can’t do it herself yet.
We have made - without exception - positive experiences and gotten a lot of lovely postcards and messages.


Just today my daughter recieved not only a nice message but also two cute finger puppets :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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I love it when I pull a child’s address! Kids know what they like! And it is fun to share my country with them :slight_smile:


5 posts were split to a new topic: Turkish Students (9-10 y.o.) are looking for penpals

@anon25441763 I changed the headline and the category of your Topic, because your question has been answered and there are now reports about children’s accounts.

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I created an account for my nephew years ago and share admin duties with his mom. She buys his cards; I draw names & mail them; she registers them; and he has all the fun! Only 1 time did he get an inappropriate card of naked girls on a beach but mom tossed before he got to see. We adjust his profile as his interests and activities change and it’s been great fun for everyone


Hi all

Need some advice please, apologies if this has already been discussed elsewhere, in which case point me in the right direction…

I’ve been Postcrossing nearly 2 months now and completely love it, I’m hooked!

My son who is 9 has also shown an interest in what I am sending and receiving, and in particular stamps and has started scrapbooking bits and bobs… I am particularly pleased about this, not least because he is from a generation to whom handwritten correspondence seems increasingly alien, so I encourage it wholly.

He’s expressed an interest in sending and receiving cards so I wanted to know if any other users had experience of registering their kids for postcrossing? Is there a special kids profile that can be registered? I am obviously concerned about him receiving cards with inappropriate subject matter (e.g. nudity) and potentially offensive comments, though knowing the community as I have come to know I am less concerned about the latter than the former.

Does anyone have any insight they can share? Keen for him to get involved, but obviously in a safe and appropriate way…

Thanks in advance.


Welcome to PC!

You might try having him join PC to get on the Forum and just do the Forum for a while, rather than the wide world of exchanges? People here are so nice… and perhaps slightly more accountable (?) to each other… and there are also so many fun lotteries and RRs and swaps and things - all of which can be more gratifying than the seemingly interminable wait to get reasonable numbers of PC postcards flowing at the beginning.

Alternatively, you could have people send/receive with him on mainstream PC, but have the address in his profile come to your attention in the mail, and make sure he agrees that you will read everything first (and note that in his profile, even if it’s embarassing!).

Am wishing you luck - I’m sure I will be running into the same issue in a few years so please report back how it goes!

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