Palm Springs, CA | May 20, 2023 | Meetup in the Desert

i’m down for the trip!


@kanosis Thank you!

@Mundoo Thank you for your feedback. Let me start off by stating that we are extremely grateful for the support we receive from Admins when it comes to facilitating these meetups.

I think I could have worded that message a little bit differently. We certainly have grown to the point where many of us are repeat meetup participants, especially in this region of Southern California. You’re absolutely right, there is more to Postcrossing meetups than just signing cards; however as is customary with the vast majority of meetups, the event-specific card is a draw to meetings and in a way is a reward for those of us driving upwards of 100km/ 60 miles to get here. I apologize for giving the wrong impression of my intent with this meetup. I’m happy to report that I know many of these participants well and I do keep in touch with them outside of/ in between meetup events.

P.S. I am deleting my earlier comment, only because we do have a venue selected now. Thanks!


Hi there! Thanks for reaching out.
I was going to post that I would take a limited number of swap requests, but it looks like you beat me to it. :wink: Happy to swap with you. I will PM you.

That’s awesome. To be fair, credit for the amazing Montclair meetup should go to @Vandelion @Kristi-D ~ but yes, I totally agree! Looking forward to seeing you again.


To be even more fair. Yes, the hosts can take some credit, but the it’s the community that makes it amazing. I was surprised by the generosity of this little SoCal group that we have here. The offers for helping out, the snacks that were brought to share (without being asked to) all the postcard related goodies that everyone shared with one another, hostess gifts! The examples are endless. Excited for this event. @llmike007 Reach out if there’s anything I can help with!

P.S. I LOVE libraries!


Officially a YES here, if there is still room! :raised_hand:t5: :sparkles:


Thanks for sharing this :smile: Please count me as RSVP if there is still room. I am new to postcrossing and very excited to meet everyone!


If there’s room for one more, count me in!

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Thank you for clarifying the meeting intentions.

We are pleased that the meeting isn’t just about signing meeting postcards.

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RSVPing for @BAginko1 (Caroline). I can also pay any of her dues along with mine. She can pay me cash the day of the meet up!


@vandelion Thank you Van! Sounds great!
Hi Caroline, feel free to message me here or direct-message if you have any questions. Looking forward to having you!

Alrighty Ladies and Gents, you’ve waited long enough for the debut of the design. This is truly a love letter to Palm Springs and the entire Coachella Valley. In my humble opinion :smiley: Again, thank you SO much Geetika @geetikasinha7 for this phenomenal design. (You can click on the image to enlarge it.)

$0.50 per card (minimum 10 card purchase, increments of 10 to keep the math light 'n easy)
You can pay cash at the door along with the $5 entry, or Venmo/ Zelle me.
Feel free to leave a message in the thread with your desired quantity.
You do not need to purchase cards in order to participate in the meetup.

At this point, in anticipation of a good turnout we are going to plan for a limit of 20 cards per participant for signatures. We’ll play it by ear; I’m open to increasing the cap, based on ultimate turnout and majority sentiment of the group present.

BE THERE or BE SQUARE (not a rectangle, because most postcards are rectangles… haha… get it… okay, I’ll see myself out):

Cards will be prioritized for attendees; any cards left over/ unsold and unclaimed as of 12:00pm the day of the event will be made available to attendees to purchase. If you anticipate running over an hour late, please shoot me a text message. (Contact info will be posted later)

IF we still have leftover cards at the conclusion of the event, I will be conducting a giveaway of unsigned cards in the appropriate Postcrossing sub-forum (distribution via random draw). Feel free to keep an eye out for that the week after May 20th.

As much as I would love to sell cards to non-attendees, it is a time-consuming effort and I would like to focus my limited free time on event logistics. I appreciate your understanding :wink:

I personally will take up the first 5 requests for swaps for other Postcrossing meetup cards (signed for signed, or unsigned for unsigned, only). Feel free to PM if interested.

That’s all I got for now. Thanks for hanging in there with me!
Have a great day ahead!


You’re much too kind. Thank you so much!! Absolutely, will do, Van.
Yay for public libraries!!

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@llmike007 20 cards for me please


This is very good news! My plus 1 will be going, too.
35 cards for me! I can pay in advance.


30 for me, please :writing_hand:t5: :sparkles:


I’d love 30 postcards also. I’ll catch you on the day of with cash. :smiley:

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30 Cards for me pls, I will venmo you the amount with venue fee soon :heart:


I’d love 20 cards, please. Thank you.


Great postcards! I’d like 30 cards. Thank you!