Oslo, Norway, Wednesday May 29th, 2024 at 4:30pm

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Oslo, Norway
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Påfuglen (the fountain in front of Nationaltheatret station), Johanne Dybwads plass 1
:calendar: DATE: May 29th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 4:30pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Postcard shopping at Tronsmo, having a meal at Kaffistova, signing postcards

Another meetup in May, this one in honor of a special guest, @Stinkypaw from Canada who will be visiting Norway again and fortunately has an afternoon to spend with us in Oslo. :slight_smile: She wants to visit Tronsmo for some postcard shopping so that is what we will do to start with. Since it’s a Wednesday they close at 5pm so we will meet at 4:30, by the National Theatre train & subway station which is easier to find for non-locals. Then we’ll walk to to Tronsmo and have a little time to browse there, and then we will head to Kaffistova for a meal. They serve typically Norwegian food which we thought would be nice for this occasion.

You can take a look at their menu here: https://assets-global.website-files.com/61dd5c721b55341ffb0ff355/6619015ce6bde66b48112c27_A%20la%20carte%20engelsk.pdf

Bring postcards to write, sign or show off. Or just come and hang out with other Postcrossers. Welcome!

If you’re planning to attend, it’s great if you can let us know in this thread.

@KAS: It’s your job to promote this on Facebook as usual. :smile:

Hope to see many of you there! :smile:

There will be no particular meetup card for this meetup.

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

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Tusen Takk!! Looking forward to seeing you again, and happy Norway day tomorrow!!! :norway:

See you there! Am promoting away! :slight_smile:

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I will attend this meeting, and it’s a long time since I’ve been to Tronsmo.

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I’m planning to attend :blush::+1: Though, I’m not quite sure exactly when I will be at Nathional, so just go ahead to Tronsmo, and I’ll meet up with you somewhere along the route :blush:

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I’m on the train from Lysaker to Nationaltheatret now. Apparently there are some delays out of/in to Oslo, but I should get there soon.

My train is scheduled at Nat.th at 1645. So I’ll head up to Tronsmo when I arrive.

I’m on the train too, currently standing still at Skøyen …

A postcard from the meetup has arrived in my mailbox. Thank you to @Stinkypaw and everyone who signed it!


A card arrived for me too! What fun, thank you so much @Stinkypaw !! :hugs:

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Thank you for the postcard @Stinkypaw

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