Oslo, Norway Wednesday May 18th, 2022 at 6:00pm

Thanks for the hint :innocent: Yes, the have tickets available for 17:45, but those are not for free as for you, but at 160NOK :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue:

@ScandinavianTraveler yeah, those free tickets are popular :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@riek1955 if it’s more convenient for you we could also eat dinner afterwards

You can add 15 more card for me please

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@riek1955 have a nice time in Oslo and a great meeting. And give the attendees my greetings.


I will @Hermelina63 :smiley: i am really looking forward

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Our cards arrived today and I think they look quite nice (as nice as possible, given the nature of this building! :woman_facepalming: :see_no_evil: )! On the back is a short sentence about MUNCH and the required line about postcrossing being a registered trademark.

There’s still 105 cards available, so don’t hesitate to increase your order or place an order if you haven’t already. :grinning:

I hesitated and did not buy the ticket for the Munch museum earlier this week (I was planning to buy the ticket for 160NOK at 17:45h since all free tickets at 18:00h were sold out), but today I saw that they put some more free tickets on “sale” for 18:00h, so I ordered a free ticket for me as well :smiley: @LeishaCamden and @Inger71

@KAS - you can increase my number of cards to 20 :wink:

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Hey everyone :slight_smile:

I recently printed some new postcards, which I also bring with me to this meetup. @KAS @Inger71 and @arcticgirl64 already “ordered” some from me via fb. In case somebody else wants some cards, just let me know :slight_smile:

NOK3.50 per card:

NOK3.00 per card:

hello, i like your meetup postcard :smile: can we swap?
i can offer this one in return, it will be signed by partecipants


please let me know, thank you very much :smile:

Dinner after the meeting sounds great!:slightly_smiling_face:

can we swap

I can have five of the pride card

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Unfortunately Rundstykket won’t be able to make it. “Tidligvakt” at the office. He might actually not even be off work by 6pm, so a very long day even without a meetup. Next time :slightly_smiling_face:

I would like 10 of the stamp card and 5 of the pride card :blush:

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That’s a shame! Next time :slightly_smiling_face:

See you on Wednesday! I’ve now added prices to the above post about meetup cards.

I will not make it to this meetup sadly. My back and neck is acting up again :frowning:
So you are very welcome to my ticket @ScandinavianTraveler
Edit: read the whole thread now, so I understand you already have a ticket? Anyways, have fun :slight_smile:

Oh that’s too bad! Hope you feel better soon!

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That’s a shame @Tanumine :frowning_face: Take care of yourself and get better soon! :hugs:

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