Oslo, Norway Tuesday July 26th, 2022 at 5:00pm

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Oslo, Norway
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Paradis Gelateria, Tjuvholmen allé 6
:calendar: DATE: July 26th, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 5pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Signing postcards, chatting about Postcrossing and other things, eating ice cream

Hello all! We are getting back in the routine of regular meetups in Oslo. For the July meetup we are returning to an old idea and choosing the summery theme of ice cream. Come meet us at Paradis and try out their delicious gelato!! Bring postcards to write, sign or show off. Or just come and hang out with other Postcrossers. Welcome!

We will have an ice cream-themed meetup card, @KAS is working on it as we speak.

If you’re planning to attend, please let us know in this thread.

@KAS: It’s your job to promote this on Facebook as usual. :smile:

Hope to see many of you there! :smiley:

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I will be there, promotion is happening and the meetup card is killing me :rofl: Will do my best and post it here by the end of the week ( :crossed_fingers:).

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I’m back at work in July 25th so will be able to attend after work :slight_smile:

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I will be there🙂

Put me on the maybe list

Hello, i’m from Germany, but i’ll be in Oslo next week. I’d love to take part in your meeting. Is it possible to join? But I don’t speak Norsk, I’m sorry… I’d be happy about an answer from you :blush:

Hello! We would love to have a a German guest at our meetup. English is fine! Welcome! :blush:

Thank you so much!!
I’m also interested in meetingcards if there are some…

There are meetup cards, @KAS is working on them, but I’m not sure how it’s going … ?

Does anyone want to swap meetup cards? I have cards from meetup’s in Delft, Breda and Zoetermeer (Netherlands). Please send me a PM if you want to swap!

Are there any news about Meetup-Cards?

In the internet I found that a postcard to Europe/Germany costs 28 kr. Is that right?

Thanks for you answer :blush:

Yes, I’m afraid that is correct :grimacing:

@KAS any news on the meetup cards? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hah! Yes, sorry for the lack of updates recently. There won’t be meetup cards, I couldn’t get to an acceptable design with these images :see_no_evil: I don’t know what it is, I just cannot get these photos to work. Maybe it’s the colour scheme, or the subject matter, or whatever… I decided that the card would be too expensive (small meetup = few cards ordered = very expensive cards) to go for a half-assed design :upside_down_face: Maybe next time, if we can get some new photos :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I won’t be able to come today. You guys have fun😊