Oslo, Norway, Thursday June 20th, 2024 at 5pm

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Oslo, Norway
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Centropa, Anne-Cath. Vestlys plass 1
:calendar: DATE: June 20th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 5pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Having a drink or two, signing postcards, chatting about Postcrossing and other things

UPDATE: Due to the lovely weather we will meet at Centropa instead. This is the restaurant and cafe at the main library in Bjørvika. Hopefully their rooftop terrace won’t be too crowded :smile:

Posthallen, in the center of the city, used to be Oslo’s main post office. It is now a food court-style place, but for drinking, not eating. They call it a “Drinkhub”. Basically we’ll find a table, order and pay via their website using a QR code, and then we get an sms letting us know when our drinks are ready. We can sit anywhere and order from any of the 9 different bars/pubs in the venue. Some focus on wine, some on beer, others on drinks and cocktails of various types (e.g. there’s one that only has various gin-based drinks, and another only akevitt). So something for every taste! Non-alcoholic drinks are also available - mocktails and soft drinks. There’s a place that serves food in addition to drinks, so it’s also possible to eat if you’re hungry.

Bring postcards to write, sign or show off. Or just come and hang out with other Postcrossers. Welcome!

If you’re planning to attend, it’s great if you can let us know in this thread.

@KAS: It’s your job to promote this on Facebook as usual. :smile:

Hope to see many of you there! :smile:

There will be no particular meetup card for this meetup.

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

Great, see you there :blush: Am promoting away! Rundstykket may or may not show up for this lol

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I’ll be there.

Will try to pop in before I catch the train to Sweden

Would be great to see you! :smiley:

Maybe we should find a place in the sun instead of the dark indoor Drinkhub today?

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I was just thinking that! How about buying some food along the way and having a picnic in the Palace Gardens? :smiley:

Then I have to skip. I can only stay for 30 minutes. Will be too far to walk down to the train station, fetch my luggage and find my train, if I stay any longer. I very well understand you will stay out in the sun.

Maybe we could meet at Centropa, the restaurant at the main library? It’s close to the central station and they have outdoor rooftop seating

Oooo outdoor rooftop seating sounds good :grinning:

Sometimes they have this super delicious lemonade :drooling_face:

That will be fine with me :slightly_smiling_face:

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