Organizing of Envelopes

I keep cards with their envelopes. They came together, they’ll stay together!


i only keep envelopes i really love. if they’re decorated or something.
though recently i went through all my postcards and i threw all the envelopes away. i just don’t know what to do with them. but you know, after a few months or years, because i don’t wanna put them in the bin straight away.

i do keep all the envelopes that come with letters though. i can’t really explain why. maybe i feel envelopes belong more with letters than with cards. but i also threw those away a while ago. the envelopes from the letters from my penpal i had a few years ago. but i’ll keep the ones i’m getting now.


It’s kind of romantic that way right? Together forever :heart_eyes: :yum:


I cut the stamps off, and then remove the stamps from the paper by soaking in warm water. Then I save the stamps, some are displayed in my home, others are waiting for display.

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I cut stamp too (but don’t have time to manage them for now)
and i’m throw away envelope
sometime if special i keep it too

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I got a postcard in an envelope for the first time today and I really don’t want to throw it away! I like the idea of keeping the stamps. I keep my postcards in a postcard album so I could just pop them in with that.

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No, I don’t. Sometimes I got letters or cards in a wonderful decorated envelope and with wonderful stamps. These I keep of course.
But why should I keep for example a white envelope with typed address and postage label?
I do keep only beautiful and meaningful (for me) things, nothing else :slight_smile:


I throw them away, but sometimes tear off stamps I like. I really prefer people not to use envelopes.

I cut off the stamps and any other interesting decoration and use it to make hand made collage cards. I’m not a stamp collector, I like to see the variety but don’t feel compelled to keep an entire envelope. When I get organized I’ll be a bit quicker at cutting off the stamps so my desk isn’t always overflowing!

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I keep the foreign ones, the German ones are a bit boring, if they are not decorated. Every decorated envelope I try to keep.

I keep decorated beautiful commemorative envelopes

I have 2 albums of envelopes with a number of pretty stamps on them. They come from around the world, almost all address to me or my family. A number are from rare countries. I have even added some post crossing envelopes that are beautifully decorated!

if their not decorated i recycle them and i keep the decorated ones

I keep envelopes if they are beautifully decorated :slight_smile:

I collect them for a friend who collects stamps. :slight_smile:

Hi! I need some help!
Today I took the time to go through all my postcards and I’ve organized them by city views, nautical, Christian, illustrations/art, animals, squirrels ( yes, they have their own category hehe), flowers, insects, and others.
However, I have many cards received in envelopes and I don’t know how to sort those! Some envelopes are decorated, others have great stamps, while others have little extra things that people sent (maps, stickers, etc).
What would you do about this dilemma? Get rid of the envelopes? Tape the stamps to the card?
Thank you for your help! :slightly_smiling_face:


You can check this

And this

I keep the cards with my other cards.But, with enevlope it depends.

If the envelope is nicely decorated, I keep seperately with other covers. Else, I cut of the stamps for my collection and throw away envelope.

Even we enevlope gets thrown, I try to salvage as much as I can. Like I keep washi/stickers from such enevlopes in my book. Here is one of such pages :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Other times goodies like stickers, teabags go in their seperate box.


Hello. So I’m pretty new to postcrossing, but so far I have been keeping my postcards in photo sleeves one per slot so I can go back look at the card and read the back with out having to pull the card out of the sleeve. Again I’m fairly new, so I have only received two cards in the envelope, one was very plain no decorations and a normal " forever" stamp.
One was beautifully decorated with beautiful fall washi tape and stickers that matched the tape and even a fall theme to the postal stamp. .
Long story short I kept both the envelope tucked behind the postcard so that everything was together.
I know that the longer I continue this hobby I may not be able to keep myself organized in the manner
But for the time being it’s working for me :blush:


Usually I just keep the envelope(especially if it’s unique or decorated) and depending on the size, I use it for storing cards that don’t fit into photo albums or non-postcrossing cards

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