Only via E-Mail? When a user receives your card

Hi all :slight_smile:
Just this moment someone from postcrossing registered a card I’ve sent out. (my first one ever - yay).

I got a notification via e-mail including their thank-you message.
However, I wasn’t able to find this message / notification anywhere on the postcrossing website.

Is it true that you can only see their messages or get alerted about people receiving your cards via e-mail or is there something I did wrong? :slight_smile:


Hi, afaik, you will only get an email notification. But if you want to reply to that person, at the bottom of the email it will say “Do not reply to this email! To reply go to […] profile”

[…] being a placeholder for the link for that person’s profile. If you click that, that will take you to that person’s profile on postcrossing site, with a message set-up open for you, to reply to that person.

I hope that made sense! Also congrats on your first registered card! :tada:


Yes, perfect! thank you so much for your help.:purple_heart:

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Good, no problem, glad to have been able to help.

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Hi @SoothingSpiral

You can find the anser in the Postcrossing help

I can recommend that you read these pages to learn more about postcrossing.

Happy Postcrossing! :grinning:


OH perfect! Thanks so much! I tried to find my answer in the search bar before posting this but I somehow didn’t find the ressources. :blush:

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@SoothingSpiral welcome to postcrossing :wave:

Enjoy your adventure and journey :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you so much :)))

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