Online shops (wiki)

Added two links for Japan and moved it up (alphabetical order) :slightly_smiling_face:

You spent so much time on this post!
thank you so much :innocent:
Happy New Year :evergreen_tree:

Thank you very much for this opportunity.
The new Otkrytki Belki store is waiting for Russian postcrossers. And the promotional code “Forum” will give a 15% discount until 03/01/2022

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Just discovered this site in the United States

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In the United States, you can also use VistaPrint for beautiful postcards of your choice. I have taken pictures and have been able to design a nice Alaskan postcard on this site.

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Is there a list like this for offline shops, organized by country and city?

There’s a list for the US:

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Netherlands: Nikki Dotti

India Instagram Shops

@ postcard_m_rna

@ postally_official

@ skilledpost

Just added in France : Eternellement Audrey

Hello All,

Unfortunately I didn’t figure it out how to edit the existing list and add an Etsy shop for the Netherlands section:

I am a Postcrosser and an illustrator based in the small town called Best in the Netherlands. From the last year I started to create my own cards and stickers for Postcrossing based on my watercolor illustrations. For now my cards and stickers are only on Etsy, but I ship worldwide :slight_smile:

Happy Postcrossing!


@julia_swan I just did it for you :wink:

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@Moussette Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for sharing.

Postcard shop in Germany: [Arndt Laude Fotografie](Arndt Laude Kunst und Karten
Have a look on this page, the prices are attractive and the motives are interesting.

In Iran:

Canadian Culture Thing - Canadian retro-style postcards and reprints

For anyone in Scotland:

I love his stuff even though I live in the U.S. LOL!

Please may I add my shop to the U.K. Etsy shop part of the list?

It’s called the postcard studio

Thanks so much x

Thank you for the list! Unfortunately it doesn’t look as though Post Snail Press are active anymore in the UK. Could you also add in Janet Bell? 10p post cards here

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