Online Besties

I’m curious to know if anyone has made true connections thru Postcrossing? I’d love to hear your stories if you have any. I’m hoping to meet some new friends and always hear stories about how people have made true friendships online. Where is my online bestie??:laughing:


Hello Erica!

I sent a card to a girl some time ago. It was an official card through Postcrossing. As I sent tea because I pulled her address a few days after her birthday, I used an envelope writing down my return address just in case it gets lost.
As she received it she didn’t write a thank you message. It was a bit disappointing to be honest. And I have to mention, that it was my first thank you message that had been left blank.
About 50 days after the registration I received a letter from her, asking, if I’d like to do direct swaps.
Now we are exchanging not only letters, but also small goodies. I really appreciate it.

Best wishes


@e_mello_823 If you haven’t read these stories on the blog, I recommend checking them out!

I have no stories of my own that are this cool (yet), but I have made several deeper connections and friendships with people through Postcrossing. My two Postcrossing “besties” each happen to be from countries that I grew up being told (and even today) are my “enemies.” We’ve exchanged many cards, and is always amazing the coincidences and things we have in common. I’ve been sad lately because to one; mail is significantly delayed (more than normal) due to pandemic situation there, and to the other I can no longer send to directly at all. Being able to send PMs through the forum has been a great way to communicate, rant about things, and share humor. So I am very grateful for this platform while waiting for better days.

The number of smaller connections have been many (both through official cards that have sparked conversations, and participating with round robins and swaps from this forum). Postcrossing has been one of the things helping me to keep hope alive for a brighter tomorrow, and help see through the veil of stereotypes and politics spreading hate and fear.

Wishing you many great connections and in finding your Postcrossing Bestie!


My postcrossing bestie is @princeofasturias. He is a Spaniard living in the US so culturally we have this common background of the two empires that have reign over Puerto Rico(Spain and the USA). We haven’t met in person but we chat frequently and sometimes I call him. He enjoys practicing his Spanish with me. I have to make a little adjustment neutralizing my Puertorrican accent and talking a bit slower but now I think he’s getting more used to understanding my accent. We have fun exchanging special postcards and goodies. :woman_standing::sunglasses::person_standing:


Hello. I received a card from a lady who said she wrote a bit & was coming to my home town to a mystery writer s meet called skullduggery and could we meetup
It turned out shé has published 30 books :books:. I’m hooked on her characters. Lovely lady too


Yes! I’ve found @eelkje_s there through the offer tag. We exchanged with our inst and then with phone numbers :slight_smile: Hope we will meet once!


Thank you @shootingstar7 for your words.

Yes Shootingstar7 has been a pleasure to get to know. Sometimes you dont know who you will meet. The Forum is great to find a pen pal or so. In this case, it was totally different just back and forth commenting on a post. What happened? You talk and get to know someone.


I’m still very new to Postcrossing, but a woman in Germany saw a post I made and asked me if I’d like to be pen pals, so I’m hoping to receive a letter from her soon and start a beautiful new friendship. Best wishes finding your Postcrossing bestie!! :heart:


Several years ago (2013, I think), I put out a call to Postcrossers to help me celebrate my mother’s 70th birthday. My Mom had built her dream home in a mountain town here in NM but had to sell it because she could no longer maintain it on her own. So, she was feeling pretty down about that and was turning 70 the same year. My siblings and I were hosting a surprise 70th birthday for her and a reunion of us as two of my siblings don’t live here. My request got really big and was circulated quite a bit, thanks to some really awesome folks here at Postcrossing. I received some really great responses. One person I really seemed to connect with on a personal level. We have quite a bit in common, not just our interests, but who we are, too. She and her Mom both wrote really wonderful and meaningful handmade cards for my Mom. And, though my friend left Postcrossing shortly after, she and I, and her Mom, have remained Facebook friends, and in August 2017, my Mom and I traveled to the Netherlands, and we spent an overnight and a whole day with our friends, getting to know their city, visiting with her Mom, and walking around town indulging in great food and conversation! We still check in periodically on Facebook!


Yeah, I met @towonder over the forum a few years ago :sheep::love_letter::cherry_blossom::custard:We are meeting up now and than and we have nearly daily contact. She became a dear friend of mine.
Also I met @Karl_Pen my dearest pen pale, we’re writing over three years now. And none subject is tabu :slight_smile: He did send his first official postcard to me and got a very sassy response and than we started a discussion which ended in a really intense pen pale friendship.


Thanks, my dear! :heart:


Thank you Pigglet! You are a wonderful pen pal! I enjoy all you messages and creative cards you make! I am lucky to have you as my first Postcrossing card to send to. I was so excited about the card. I understood why you did not like the card so I tried to make up for the bad card by writing nice things in my follow up. And here we are, years later!


Hi everyone…thank you all for replying, I love your stories. I’m really enjoying Postcrossing And am looking forward to new friendships❤️


Actually I’ve two other pen pales which I got over official cards. But both are not active members of the forum, so I did not mention them.

And I met @Kadder :turtle::love_letter::shamrock: we also write for a while already. There is no force to write to each other, but now and than we think about each other and send a card or something else. He even helped me to surpise my mum once, without knowing me or her in person :slight_smile:


That is so nice :heart:

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Sorry for my very late answer…
and a very big THANKS @Pigglet :smile:
it was also a great pleasure for me to surprise your mom :grin: and so I get every year a nice card from her :innocent:

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