One Year (or more Years) Anniversary

Oh ok, I get it, thanks!
Yes, I joined the forum a few weeks after discovering Postcrossing, I wasn’t sure what it was about exactly at first :smile:
I just had a look at my emails and, yes, I actually received it! Thanks a lot!


It’s my 15th postcrossingversary today.
I signed up in 2008 in Kathmandu, thanks to a charming young Dutch lady - who is still active here as well.
To be honest I forgot to mail out my 5 starter postcards and received a remembering email from Postcrossing about that.

Today I received a nice email from Postcrossing for my postcrossingversary. I went out for a dinner to celebrate.


Congratulations :tada:
You’re right, seeing a postcard in the mailbox makes the day better :blush: