One for you one for a friend.

I am currently whittling down my postcard stash, by using envelopes and including 1-3 BONUS (blank) postcards. It’s essentially one for the recipient and another to keep, trade, or use. I am writing my message on the card I want them to keep.

I design and print my own cards in bundles of 50, and I was thinking, when I re-stock, I would include a blank of the same design as the message card. They can keep either one (some people prefer blank cards) and then sell, trade or use the other, and I get through my designs a little faster.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


That is very generous of you! I am sure the vast majority of recipients would love to receive extra cards. Assuming the cards avoid offensive topics or messages. And assuming you have read the recipient’s profile and are not sending something that goes against their personal preferences.

Of course you could also save a bit of money and a few trees here and there by buying smaller quantities of your cards! :blush:

Hi Bernard,
Nice thought & a good give away.
Thanks for sharing.

Not everyone enjoys receiving postcards in an envelope, though. While appreciating the thought, I, for example, would rather just receive a single postcard written and stamped.


Great idea and I think lots of people who don’t mind envelopes will greatly appreciate the offer. Good luck with it.

I think it’s a nice idea!

Nice gesture.

I would love this! I need more as I’m just starting.

It’s a great idea if the recipient didn’t specifically mention that he prefers cards stamped and without envelope. In other cases I’m sure the recipient will really appreciate your generosity.

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Since you asked for feedback, I will share that for me personally, I would much rather get the single written and stamped card. But there are others I am sure who would appreciate it. My recommendation is to look at the individual’s profile and decide on a case by case basis if you should add a little surprise.


Hi, do you mean you design your cards with already a message at the back?
Your proposal to send more cards in an envelope is very generous but I thing many people would rather have one single card but written (a personal message to them not a printed general message) and stamped. As others have said, just look at profiles statements

(Of course many have problems with writing down and get their cards printed for necessity, so I’m not judging it, just saying if you can write them, it’s better generally :wink:)

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My cards are printed with a blank reverse. My personal message is typed (changed every season), printed on paper, cut to size, and attached to the card. I also have blank cards that I stamp with a rubber stamp with eight message separator, address lines and stamp box.

if you need cheap postcards make them from grocery boxes, I have tutorials on youtube.

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Sorry, I forgot to message you. There is a bunch of Recyclable recycled postcards like 50 of them for $6 on Amazon I believe.

I’m getting those when I get paid & have been making mine with posterboard from the $1 store.