乐透 Official WPD card [CLOSED]

你好! Hi everybody! :cn:

To celebrate my upcoming 9th postcrossing anniversary next week, and due to the current unlucky situation for Chinese postcrossers, where the Chinese addresses are not given out normally, I’d like to open a lottery where two (2) postcrossers from China have a chance to win a official WPD postcard written and stamped. :dove: :postbox: I’ll write the cards on Oct. 1. The lottery is open about one week and I’ll contact the winners later. :slight_smile:

To participate, leave a comment below, no need to number your post. Good luck everybody and happy World postcard day! :postbox: :postcrossing:

DISCLAIMER 1: Having said this lottery is open for Chinese postcrossers, there is no way I can block postcrossers from Hongkong, Macao or Taiwan from participating, but I hope some considerateness towards Chinese postcrossers as they are currently unable to receive cards from foreign countries in a normal way as we others do. Thank you for your understanding. :slight_smile:


Wow! Thank you for the wonderful lottery!

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I will be glad to receive this lovely card from you.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you for being so thoughtful. And I hope the situation of the post system could be improved soon!

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Thank u so much for the lottery
Happy postcrossing~

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Thank you so much
Good lottery👍

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Thank you very much!!!

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Thank you for the lottery.

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This lottery is now closed. :postbox: The lucky winners are @Chris_sunshine and @koro ! Congratulations! :hugs: Please PM me your addresses in Chinese chracters (no worries, I’ll manage them even!). :slight_smile:

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Last week I received your sweet WPD postcard @Regndroppar Thank you so much :heart::heart::heart:It makes my day.Your Chinese handwriting is great!

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