Official limit, reached or not?

Currently I have 35 slots with 29 traveling. I use to fill all my slots but I don’t do that nowadays. Recently I’ve tried to write at least 1-2 postcards a day just to see if I can fill up those slots. A good week, I may receive at least 1 postcard every day. Because of this when I don’t receive a postcard, it’s kinda sad.:slightly_frowning_face:


I have 27 slots, with 26 traveling. Seems ok for now. Getting over 30 cards may feel like too many. I try to spread out drawing officials so I can give time and attention to the cards and message. I don’t want it to become a chore.


My current limit is 11 so I wait till it goes back down to zero then on a weekend I’ll bang out 11 cards and then send them out on Monday on my way to work


My current limit is 14. Generally I want to keep the slots occupied (about 1 slot opening up every few days), because I’m hoping for a somewhat regular stream of postcards in my mailbox. But every few weeks or months there’s a reason why I can’t spend time or energy on writing cards, so I don’t send any more after they arrive.

When I have time and am in the mood again, then I try to get the first 14 on the road within 2-3 days, and start the cycle anew :laughing:


I can send 43 at once. Earlier this month, my sent postcards weren’t arriving and being registered so I carried on sending at my normal rate - 1-2 a day, sometimes 3, or none if I’m not in the mood. I got up to 41 travelling at once. But masses of my travelling postcards have been registered in the last week or so and I’m back down at 26 travelling. I’m not going to force myself to send more than I’m comfortable with, but I hope to eventually get back up to about 30 travelling.


I can have 100 traveling now and never have all my slots filled. I maxed out my traveling all the time until I reached 50-something traveling. Slowed down after that. I think I have had all 100 traveling just once, after writing a lot of cards during Christmas one year.


I can send 27 postcards, but at the moment only 9 are travelling at the moment. I’m going to use some spots at a meetup next Saturday, but I rarely have more than 20-22 cards travelling


Not anymore. I used to, but as I got 100 slots now, I have only taken out max addresses 2-3 times in connection with meetups.

This means I always got slots for World Postcard Day, any meetups, and when I’m travelling and use travel mode.


Current limit = 68. Currently travelling = 68.


My current limit are 10 postcards but I never have more than 4-5 travelling. I enjoy taking my time writing each one and I don’t want it to become a chore. It also gives me the time to look forward to and enjoy the cards that arrive. Having said that, I do live in Germany and the post is quick so I send and receive about 10 cards per month.


I can send 40 cards. Sometimes all slots are used, because I sometime use the repeat country option and I will have more slower countries. Which means I don’t actually send more cards.


My limit is 12 at the moment and for now I can keep up with it. As soon as one of my travelling cards is registered I request a new adress and immidiately read the profile of that postcrosser. But daily life sometimes forces me to wait a few days til I find the time to finally choose from my giant postcard stock, decorate it and write a nice text. Often it is at the weekends that I then write a few cards at once.


Limit: 34
Traveling: 34

Normally I don’t have all at once travelling, but at the moment I have the time and enjoy just writing cards.


I can send up to 90 cards. I rarely go above 35 anymore. I was a stay at home mom for many years and had more time for cards. Now I went back to work and have almost no free time. I love my job, but now I basically have two jobs- one I get paid for plus running a house/family. After work, I must cook, clean and do laundry, plus interact with husband and children. Most days do not include any time for hobbies. It is unlikely I will ever send that many cards. But you never know! Maybe on break, I will. :grin:


Whenever I get a slot i draw an address and mail them in 24hrs :sweat_smile: I shall do so until i run out of stamps or I reach 100+ whatever comes first :sweat_smile:


My limit just got to 12 today, and I always have all the slots filled. I send ~20 cards a month the past few months, which is quite attainable for me. I’m sure there will be a point where, even if just for cost reasons, I won’t fill all my slots, but it’s going to take a bit to get me there. I get so happy when I get the email that a card has been received so I can write a new one!