[Offer] Postcards to teachers (thank you!)

As a thank you to teachers around the world, likely still dealing with distance learning, and probably incurring additional costs (here in the U.S., teachers typically have to pay for their own supplies!), I’d like to send several of you (10, 20?) a post card as a thank you for your service to the children of the world. I am a product of the public school system, and I think I turned out OK. PM me your address and tell me what subject you teach. Thanks in advance!


Thank you so much for this offer. This was so kind of you! :slight_smile:

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Does the offer still stand?

Of course!


Thank you for the offer!

Thanks for your kind offer ! Such a beautiful idea!

Would you also write a card to all teachers working at a small school? (One card in total, just not for me only but for all colleagues, as we are only able to survive this weird time by being a strong team?)


I was wondering just the same as @reisegern while thinking about the faculty of the High School were I was teaching during 19/20 course. It’s board of directors supported me a lot when I began the postcrossing project with my groups…

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Yes, PM the details!

Please PM me. Thanks!

You should remove her address and only provide in private messages. The forum is open to the whole world, so everybody can see her address now…

Furthermore does your sister know you’re sharing her address with strangers? She might not like that…

Oh so sorry, I thought this was a private message!

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I am new here, I thought only vireolanius could see my message… So sorry!

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I understand the confusion. It happened to me to in the beginning :wink: But still, I wouldn’t share the address of my family members with strangers. Maybe they can send to you and you send them on?

Yes, you are absolutely right, that is the reason why I gave my address. But I am not sure to understand how to send private message. Is this message a private message?

No it’s not. To send a private message you click on the person’s name and it’ll show a “message” bar. You click on that and you’ll send a private message :slight_smile:

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My mom would love a card! She’s a pre-primary teacher and has never received postcards haha, so this would be her first!

Let me know.

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