October 1, 2023 San Diego meetup for WPD - venue change

:world_map: CITY/REGION: San Diego
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: La Jolla/Riford Library, 7555 Draper Ave., La Jolla, CA 92037
:calendar: DATE: October 1, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Let’s celebrate the World Postcard Day together! You are invited to meet friendly local postcrossers.
We plan to chat, sign postcards, play a game or a raffle, share the joy of postcrossing and have a good time together.
We’ll meet in the community room within the library (on the right just behind the main entrance).
Parking: library has a small parking lot, but there should be plenty street parking available

RSVP is required to make sure we don’t exceed the capacity of the room so reserve your spot as soon as you know you can come (comment below to RSVP).

There will be a meetup postcard and the official WPD postcard printed.
The cost will be 23 cents per card, orders are open until September 9. After orders close, first come first served basis for the limited number of extra cards I’ll have left. (Few postcards from previous meetups will be available to purchase at the meetup). You’re welcome to bring any other postcard you want to have signed by the meetup attendees.
Payment instructions:
venmo (@martinora) or paypal (paypal.me/martinora). Send it as a payment to friends, otherwise a fee is deducted. Cash (exact change) payment at the meetup possible, but e-payments are preferred.

Meetup postcard:

WPD postcard:

(Swap requests: I personally am not interested in swaps, but post your request in the comments for other meetup participants)

What to optionally bring:

  • username rubber stamp if you have one (the smaller the better, self-inking tend to dry quickly preventing ink smudging) or pens to sign postcards

  • postcards/stickers/washi tapes or whatever you want to share. There will be a Trash and treasure box. Your unwanted postcards may be someone else’s treasure.

  • postcards, homemade card, mailart or other relevant items to show&tell

  • snacks/drink for you or to share. Plates, cups, cutlery, napkins will be provided

  • contributions to game/raffle prizes are welcome

Looking forward to seeing you at the meetup!


Save the date @davidturner @vireolanius @Silviation @EandJKing. Hope to see you there!

Im curious of the date. Oct 1 is a Sunday. And San Diego public libraries are closed on Sundays. Did you rent the library specifically for this or will the date change? Please let me know.


SD Library luckily renewed Sunday hours at selected branches couple months ago as it was before the pandemic. The date of the meetup will be for sure Oct 1st.

Oh ok. I never knew that. Good to know. I also never been to that library and I didnt know it existed. I would love to go to the meetup.

Awesome, looking forward to meeting you there. Keep an eye on this thread for info about ordering meetup postcards if you’re interested in those

Yes, I would love to go. Does this count as my RSVP or do I need to do something else?
Thank you,

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Hi Jill, you’re set, a spot will be reserved for you. Looking forward to meeting you there!
I’ll post info about meetup postcards in a few weeks, check back for an update if you’d like to order them



I would love to go to this event! i would like to RSVP :slight_smile:

Hi Tania, welcome to the forum! Thank you for the RSVP, happy to meet you there!

Thank you!
I’m excited. This will be my first Postcrossing event. I will be driving from Phoenix, AZ


Welcome Tania!

I will be there! Can’t wait.


Looking forward to meeting you there, thank you for the RSVP!

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I would love to go!

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Awesome, a seat will be reserved for you!

The meetup postcard design and WPD are posted and orders are open (see the first post for more info). Let me please know until 9/9 how many of each you’d like @princeofasturias @Cupcake11 @happytania @thatpartyhat @thedisappearingspoon If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

There are last 10 seats left, if you plan on attending the meetup, don’t wait to RSVP @davidturner @vireolanius @Silviation @EandJKing

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count me in for oct 1st! i would like to order ten postcards of each! :raised_hands:

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Is there still an available spot?

It is, happy to see you again, Lesly! Should I count you in?

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