Oct 19, 2024 - Wichita KS meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Wichita, KS
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 3313 Grand (All Saints school gym)
:calendar: DATE: October 19, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10am-noon
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Sign cards, chat, and possibly other things. This is held during the Wichita Postcard Club annual show.

Hosted by Nancy Reeves (Pezimaniac). I would like a co-host. Formerly hosted by Demaris Swint.

A postcard will be designed and made available to view after the design is approved. WPC will provide free cards to attendees, so please let me know if you plan to come!

MIJones x3
GrammieSue (maybe)
MrsJonesFSCretired x2

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Hello! :slight_smile: I will be at the postcard show! :heart:

I saw your postcard booth last weekend at the Derby library, I think? :smiley:

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Yes, you did. I’ll have a booth at WPC’s show, too. Few of their dealers have modern cards, so i hope people will be pleased with what I’ll have.

I’d like to attend! :postbox::love_letter:

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My wife and I plan to attend. Hopefully we will bring a teenage granddaughter who loves to send cards when she stays with us.

I’m still thinking about it - I live in Manhattan so I need to make a day of it in Wichita, but I would like to try to get down there.

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My sister and I would like to attend. Can anyone tell me the best area to stay, hotels.

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The postcard club has a headquarters hotel and recommends another place. https://www.wichitapostcardclub.org/ is their website. Look for the show info.