NOVEMBER 21, 2021 - 9th Postcrossing meetup in FOSHAN , CHINA

:world_map: PROVINCE: Guang Dong
:world_map: CITY: FOSHAN
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Nanhai Guicheng Post Office
:calendar: DATE: NOVEMBER 21 2021 (Sun.)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2:15 p.m.–2:30 p.m. (assemble)/ From 2:30 p.m.–4:00p.m.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
writing postcards
meeting friends

Plz bring your own stamps, pens and glue


:postcrossing:The 81st Anniversary of Bruce Lee’s Birth
Website :arrow_right: Bruce Lee Foundation

:page_facing_up:李小龙简介(源自维基百科)/ Introduction to Bruce Lee (from Wikipedia):

Blockquote 李小龙 (英语:Bruce Lee Jun-fan,1940年11月27日-1973年7月20日[2]),本名李振藩乳名细凤 ,国际著名华裔武术家截拳道创始人、动作片演员动作导演武术指导功夫片的开创者、好莱坞首位华人主角。香港粤剧丑生李海泉之子,李小龙有两个姐姐、一个哥哥和一个弟弟。

Blockquote 李小龙生于美国旧金山东华医院,年少时期在香港九龙生活读书,拜叶问为师学习咏春拳,其后以咏春为本,化而创立自己的截拳道。自少因父参与演出20多部香港电影。1959年,李小龙在美国主修戏剧,副修哲学,他开武馆授徒边磨炼武术,又客串演出多部美国电视剧。他尝试改变亚洲人在美国影片中的形象,但最终连其译为功夫的电视剧也由外国演员主演。1970年,李小龙获得香港嘉禾电影公司邹文怀邀请,在失意荷理活之下,回到香港主演以功夫为题的动作电影《唐山大兄》而大获好评,李小龙迅速展开其知名度。此后他主演了《精武门》、《猛龙过江》、《龙争虎斗》及《死亡游戏》,此4部半动作电影震撼了整个影坛,而且在国际上迅速声名鹊起。

Blockquote 32岁的李小龙于1973年7月20日参与演出《死亡游戏》期间,猝死于丁佩香港九龙九龙塘的家中,事件引起极大震撼,其死因至今依然充满争议[7]。然而,李小龙去世后其声威依然不减,他的银幕形象对全球华人以至世界各地均有影响力,他的名字是武打电影甚至是中国武术的象征[8],电影不少带有汉族文化色彩。李小龙亦带领香港电影冲出亚洲,走向世界,为香港电影积累丰厚的资本、技术和观众,并为香港电影在1980年代开始风靡全球、成为东方好莱坞奠定基础。

Blockquote Lee Jun-fan (Chinese: 李振藩; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973), better known as Bruce Lee (Chinese: 李小龍), was a Hong Kong American martial artist, actor, director, martial arts instructor and philosopher.[2] He was the founder of Jeet Kune Do, a hybrid martial arts philosophy drawing from different combat disciplines that is often credited with paving the way for modern mixed martial arts (MMA). Lee is considered by commentators, critics, media, and other martial artists to be the most influential martial artist of all time and a pop culture icon of the 20th century, who bridged the gap between East and West. He is credited with helping to change the way Asians were presented in American films.[3]

Blockquote The son of Cantonese opera star Lee Hoi-chuen, Lee was born in the Chinatown area of San Francisco, on November 27, 1940, to parents from Hong Kong, and was raised with his family in Kowloon, Hong Kong.[4] He was introduced to the film industry by his father and appeared in several films as a child actor. His early martial arts experience included Wing Chun (trained under Yip Man), tai chi, boxing (winning the Hong Kong schools boxing tournament), and street fighting (frequently participating in Hong Kong rooftop fights). Lee moved to the United States at the age of 18 to receive his higher education at the University of Washington in Seattle;[5] it was during this time that he began teaching martial arts, later drawing significant attention at the 1964 Long Beach International Karate Championships. In the 1970s, his Hong Kong and Hollywood-produced films elevated the traditional martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, sparking a surge of interest in the Chinese nation and Chinese martial arts in the West. The direction and tone of his films dramatically influenced and changed martial arts and martial arts films worldwide.[6]

Blockquote He is noted for his roles in five feature-length martial arts films in the early 1970s: Lo Wei’s The Big Boss (1971) and Fist of Fury (1972); Golden Harvest’s Way of the Dragon (1972), directed and written by Lee; and Golden Harvest and Warner BrothersEnter the Dragon (1973) and The Game of Death (1978), both directed by Robert Clouse.[7] Lee became an iconic figure known throughout the world, particularly among the Chinese, based upon his portrayal of Chinese nationalism in his films,[8] and among Asian Americans for defying stereotypes associated with the emasculated Asian male.[9] Having initially learnt Wing Chun, tai chi, boxing, and street fighting, he combined them with other influences from various sources into the spirit of his personal martial arts philosophy, which he dubbed Jeet Kune Do (The Way of the Intercepting Fist). Lee had residences in Hong Kong and Seattle.[10]

Blockquote Lee died on July 20, 1973, at the age of 32. There was no visible external injury; however, according to autopsy reports, Lee’s brain had swollen considerably. The autopsy found Equagesic in his system. When the doctors announced Lee’s death, it was officially ruled a “death by misadventure”. Since his death, Lee has continued to be a prominent influence on modern combat sports, including judo, karate, mixed martial arts, and boxing, as well as modern popular culture, including film, television, comics, animation and video games. Time named Lee one of the 100 most important people of the 20th century.

Hi! Is someone interested in swap? I collect meet-up cards Here are my cards for swap: на обмен – 364 Bilder | VK

Thanks for your message. I prefer to swap meetup card. Have you have any meetup cards?

Hi! Unfortunately no meet-up cards at the moment, only other cards :wink:

It’s oaky. But our activities have not yet started, and there is still some time. If you don’t mind, we can keep in touch on Instagram and we will send a proof picture when the event starts. :blush:

It’s OK :wink: Thank you!

1 Like

Hi. I’d also like to swap a hookup card. Please let me know. Our meet up is on 30 Oct

It’s okay. And what styles meetup postcard Do you have😊


  3. Y
  5. JANE
  9. YOUZI
  10. CTATA

Hi. This is our meetup postcard…


Wow!So nice😁 And Do you mind we chat in Instagram or Facebook? Then we can more handily to chat and sent proof pics to each other☺️

Hi. Yes we can do that…

Hello😊 So what’s your Instagram/ Facebook account?


目前团员都在微信群活跃ing~ 可加群换☺️

Love to swap

Private message me with your postal address and I will send mine too

Hello. Collecting postcards from meetings. I’d love to receive yours. My exchangers are here:

Thanks for your message. Sure! Let’s chat in DM